Friday, November 21, 2014

Dear Nicolle Wallace,

the editors caught you on this weeks rachel maddow show. the fact that your boss, Chimpy aWol Bush was momentarily slightly less dickish about immigration than the rest of, and majority of, the mean-spirited racists in the republican party because Chimpy thought is was momentarily strategically beneficial to himself, in no way absolves him of the war crimes, torture, 100's of thousands killed, murdered and countless lives across the globe bludgeoned by economic hardship now living under a police state.

in fact, measuring Chimpy the fucking moron's 'substance' and 'strategy' clearly indicates that Chimpy and the human pieces of republican shit he surrounded himself with (i.e. you) clearly indicates that you all are going to hell. there is no getting past the Pearly Gates for you, Chimpy, Cheney, Rice, Turdblossom and the rest of the neo-conservative traitorous, life long fuckups and failures.

have a nice day you smarmy fucking cunt!

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