Thursday, February 19, 2015

pervy texting aficionado John R. Schindler gets ISIS completely wrong

If the U.S. is going to wage war against ISIS, it should be effective. That means more air power to prevent our Middle East concerns from totally imploding
What exactly are our Middle East concerns? John doesn't say, but they'll implode! Totes implode. So what could it be? ISIS poses no threat to the US, Syria is killing themselves nicely, oil prices are staying low for the foreseeable future, Iran has no nukes (thanks to Obama's leadership) so that only leaves Israel. Oh...I see now.

John wants the US to fight another failed, abortion of a war on behalf of the fascists residing in Nuclear Apartheid and in the US Congress.

Of course there would be no ISIS if it weren't for life long fuck up and miserable failure Chimpy aWol Bush but that's the point, isn't it?

In 2004, Donald Rumsfeld directed a Task Force to determine the causes of radicalism & terrorism. Want to guess its conclusion, John? Let's just say your idea for more war sucks.

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