Tuesday, April 08, 2008

John McCain physically attacked fellow congressman. Called his wife a CUNT

In 2006, the Arizona Republican congressional delegation had a strategy meeting. McCain repeatedly addressed two new members, congressmen Trent Franks and Rick Renzi, as 'boy.' Finally, Renzi, a former college linebacker, rose from his chair and said to McCain, "You call me that one more time and I'll kick your old ass." McCain lunged at Renzi, punches were thrown, and the two had to be physically separated. After they went to their separate offices, McCain called Renzi and demanded an apology. Renzi refused.

What an asshole.

In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."

mainstream political debate = republican opinion.

American public opinion isn't "divided" or "split" on this question. There are no pro-war trends here that signal the Iraq War is about to become a huge asset for the McCain campaign. Nor are any of the other cliches used repeatedly by the establishment press to claim that unconditional withdrawal is a politically unpopular position even remotely true.

To the contrary, Americans overwhelmingly favor unconditional withdrawal and it's not even close. They favor that by a 25-point margin, and it's a 29-point margin among independents. Those are huge margins. Very few public policy questions of any significance produce margins that large. And the whole point of asking the question this way -- do you favor withdrawal "regardless of what is going on in Iraq?" -- is to exclude the excuse made by John McCain, The Politico and Cokie Roberts that Americans only want to withdraw once we've "won" or once we've created a peaceful democracy there.

Monday, April 07, 2008

The financial ship is listing, and the mainstream media is doing its best to keep the public in the dark.

The term “subprime” is a red herring; it is used by the media to minimize what is really going on. The meltdown in financing extends across the entire range of mortgage-security products. No loan-type has been spared. The wholesale market for anything connected to mortgages is frozen and the details are being intentionally withheld from the public. Two years ago, more than 65 percent of all mortgages were converted into securities and sold off to Wall Street. No more. That scam unraveled in July when two Bear Stearns hedge funds blew up and their were no takers for billions of dollars of mortgage-backed junk. Since then, bankers and hedge fund managers have been scrambling to conceal the facts about what mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are really worth; nothing. The fear is that when the public finds out what is really going on, they'll draw the logical conclusion that the banking system is insolvent, which it probably is. Just look at these eye-popping losses which appeared in Bloomberg News on April 1 The financial ship is listing, and the mainstream media is doing its best to keep the public in the dark.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Satan finally pried the gun from this toupee wearing, has been, hacks fingers.

You traded an illustrious film career to a bunch of insecure, paranoid children. Enjoy hell bitch.

It occurs to us that the reason republicans deny global warming is because they know where they are going.

Extremely, extremely, very, very, very popular American writer is a liberal.

anti class-warfare and anti gun.

Makes you wonder what his FBI file says. Hey, Steven, you know your phones are tapped, right? Right?

Bush Administration Officials Will Be 'Indicted For War Crimes'

SULLIVAN: The latest revelations on the torture front show the memo from John Yoo...means that Don Rumsfeld, David Addington and John Yoo should not leave the United States any time soon. They will be, at some point, indicted for war crimes.

caught up with arlen spector (republicant -Penn) on bill maher

he makes prostitution look like a legitimate and enjoyable profession. When in gods name will the world be rid of mr Magic Bullet theory? Hasn't he hurt the world enough?

Shorter Douglas Feith on 60 Minutes March 6th 2008

Yea, i'm jewish chickenhawk that smoozed a great fucking job in the pentagon. As a israeli proxy, i forced the US to kill as many arabs and muslims as i could to the detriment to the US and it's interestes. Everything else was well, just a wet, sloppy blowjob. Your point is?

“Shouldn’t - seriously, I’m serious about this- shouldn’t all Americans be proud that?”

Yes, he's very serious. h/t Atrios.
But you know what? His best is not good enought. It's called FAILURE.

The Iraq war has been a colossal moral, fiscal, and humanitarian disaster.

When can we stop pretending? Ms Clinton?

Saturday, April 05, 2008

ChimpCo buying expensive oil to benifit his oily friends or getting ready to bomb Iran.

WASHINGTON - The Energy Department said Friday it would continue putting oil into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve even as crude oil prices remain above $100 a barrel.

The department announced a solicitation of bids for 13 million barrels of oil, with deliveries expected to begin in August, when the current delivery contracts expire. Oil will be put into the reserve at about 76,000 barrels a day, about the same rate as current deliveries, through December.

Bids are due by May 13, the department said.

The government reserve, which was created to serve as a cushion against major oil supply disruptions, has a capacity of 727 million barrels. It now holds about 700 million barrels.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Constitutional lawyer: Bush 'ordered war crimes'

Yet no one gives a fuck. A sitting US president demonstrably has repeatedly and continues to order WAR CRIMES and no one gives a fuck.
"It is really amazing because Congress -- including the Democrats -- have avoided any type of investigation into torture because they do not want to deal with the fact that the president ordered war crimes," Turley told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Thursday night. "But evidence keeps on coming out.... What you get from this is this was a premeditated and carefully orchestrated torture program. Not torture, but a torture program."

buffoon rebuffed by his superiors at his last NATO summit.

many [European leaders] are looking forward now to the next president,”