Sunday, June 22, 2008

Symptomatic of a much broader and more profound failure of comprehension.

As Al Franken says, before you drag your country to war, do your fucking homework. But the criminal fools in the republican party couldn't be bothered.

According to critics, the U.S. government miscalculated in assuming that al-Hurra could repeat the success of Radio Free Europe during the Cold War, when information-starved listeners behind the Iron Curtain tuned in on their shortwave radios.

Al-Hurra, by contrast, faces cutthroat competition. About 200 other stations beam Arabic-language programming to satellite dishes reaching even the poorest neighborhoods in the Middle East and North Africa. More rivals loom, including an Arabic-language news channel that the BBC is set to launch this year.

Just a reminder...Chimpy was a cheerleader, a draft dodger and a life long failure.

We want a Gros Michel banana

The "Greatest Generation" really did have it better....
This has happened before. Our great-grandparents grew up eating NOT the Cavendish but the Gros Michel banana, a variety that everyone agreed was tastier. But starting in the early 1900s, banana plantations were invaded by a fungus called Panama disease and vanished one by one. Forest would be cleared for new banana fields, and healthy fruit would grow there for a while, but eventually succumb.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Don't buy the Apple 3G iPhone. Apple: All your data are belong to us.

I'm worried.
What can seem a nice feature is something
really dangerous.
Not allowing background processes
and forcing everything to pass thru the
Apple Push Notification Server
is something Orwell already imagined.
Think about all your data
flowing through Apple and you will start
to get the big picture.
Add to that mobileme, another big brother
keeping everything about you.
Now, this would be nice if it were an optional
feature. But it's not.
It's the only way.
With the iPhone, Apple is showing they
want to keep control of everything.
I hope the industry will take a different
path and won't emulate them.
Every day I'm getting more interested
in google android and more open softwares/firmwares.

Photographer Documents Secret Satellites — All 189 of Them

In taking these photos, Paglen is trying to draw a metaphorical connection between modern government secrecy and the doctrine of the Catholic Church in Galileo's time.

How Cops Really Want to Police

1. “Judge on-site.”

Carl wanted to make a single point: he felt cops should have the freedom to act as “judge on-site.” (See Chance’s comment, #6.) Carl preferred working in poor communities because, in his opinion, they had a healthy distrust of the court system.

“You want to really lower crime?” Carl began. “Let cops enforce the rules. The whole way. You ask any cop on the street and he’ll tell you that he would love to dish out the punishment, on the spot.”

“You want to be the cop and the jury?” I asked, incredulously.

Report: Scalia’s Claim That Released Gitmo Prisoners Have Killed Americans Is An ‘Urban Legend’

Why doesn't it ougrage everyone that US Supreme Court Justice Scalia speaks of "URBAN LEAGENDS" as FACT? Scalia is a creepy geezer and an incompetent fool - he is a disgrace with out enough merit to be a greeter at Walmart, much less SC justice..

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hey Lou, glad to have you aboard!

"You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached. For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer – that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer. It’s insane what is going on here."

krugman nails it...

My biggest concern about an Obama administration is that, in the end, he won’t make universal health care a priority. My second biggest concern is that “Unity” means never having to say you’re sorry: that in the name of putting past partisanship behind us, the next administration will sweep the abuses of the past 8 years under the rug, the same way Bill Clinton did in 1993; the result of that decision was that the very same people responsible for Iran-Contra showed up subverting our democracy all over again.

Not only is Michael Alan Weiner ashamed of his family name, he's a complete fascist.

And see's nothing wrong with being a fascist. That's the only thing to make of this:

SAVAGE: Yeah, that’s why they had a pipe bomb and their lawyer said they were firecrackers. I tell you, I’d hang the lawyer. If I ran this country, I’d hang the lawyer. I would try her for aiding and abetting terrorism — I’d hang her and I’d hang every lawyer who went down to Guantánamo to defend those murderers.

He mocks the very freedoms that allows his 'show' to exist - and that fact is completely lost on him.

Obama on FISA

.....It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses. But this compromise guarantees a thorough review by the Inspectors General of our national security agencies to determine what took place in the past, and ensures that there will be accountability going forward. By demanding oversight and accountability, a grassroots movement of Americans has helped yield a bill that is far better than the Protect America Act.

The orginally title of the post was "Fuck you Barack..."

if you want to be a true patriot he should just shut up and take the Bush administration secrets and crimes to the grave ...

There were many entertaining moments in today's Scott McClellan testimony. But I think the best had to be right-wing Rep. Steve King (R-IA) telling McClellan that if he wanted to be a true patriot he would have just shut up and taken the Bush administration secrets and crimes to the grave ...

Omertà is a popular attitude, common in areas of southern Italy, such as Sicily, Calabria, and Campania, where criminal organizations like the Mafia, 'Ndrangheta, and Camorra are strong. A common definition is the "code of silence".

"You rob a bank, go to the legislature, and change the law to say that robbing banks is lawful."

Why in gods name would democrats give Chimpy a victory with 7 months to go? The damage this bill does maybe the most breath taking thing we've ever seen...

Digby agrees with us...
Capitulating to the most unpopular lame duck president in history because they are afraid of him. Makes you proud to be a Democrat doesn't it?

Why is it that all racists are republicans?

Michael James at DailyKos spotted several racist t-shirts targeting Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) being sold on the website Road Kill T-Shirts, which says that it sells “funny” shirts. Some of the designs featured a noose and Ku Klux Klan members chasing Obama:

"Leia's Daddy"

As the original caption tells us, all Sgt. Ryan John Baum wanted to do was come home and put his daughter, Leia, on his chest. Born 11 days after his death in Iraq on May 18, 2007, the placement of the baby photo during visitation addresses that wish.