Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who is Pax Dickinson, why did he say Jesus got raped by a 'pack of niggers' and why was he fired just for being an asshole?

Oh well. Lets go find some Unicorns.

"Drawing on a sample of more than 39,000 southern whites, we show that whites who currently live in counties that had high concentrations of slaves in 1860 are on average more conservative and express colder feelings towards African Americans than whites who live elsewhere in the South.

That is, the larger the number of slaves in his or her county of residence in 1860, the greater the probability that a white Southerner today will identify as a Republican, express opposition to race-coded policies such as aļ¬ƒrmative action, and express greater racial resentment towards African Americans.
republicans are racist. Water is wet. Chimpy aWol Bush is a war criminal. The earth is round. Global warming is man made. Radiation at any level is harmful. Who is suprised by this and who is fighting it?

Gordon "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt Is Vile, Corrupt, And Demon-Possessed

There is no such thing as a good Klingshitt. "dr" chaps is a hate grifting piece of shit. God hates Klingshitt.

Monday, September 09, 2013

NSA boss General Keith Alexander is the son of a bitch that needs to be Court Martialed first

His predecessor, General Michael Hayden, thought Alexander is a loose cannon who doesn't understand or care about the law. One of Alexander's strongest defenders since the Snowden leaks came out has been Hayden -- the guy who called NSA critics just a bunch of internet shut-ins who can't get laid. Alexander found relationships that didn't exist. This is the problem with the 'if you did nothing wrong' scenerio.
General Alexander gets so overwhelmed by big data that he starts finding needles in those haystacks where none really exist. This is kind of the key point. The profile makes it clear that General Alexander loves digging through big data, but seems unable to recognize that what comes out of looking at a giant data set isn't automatically true. Multiple instances are discussed of him claiming connections where none actually existed.

Gun Owners of America head Larry Pratt is a raging idiot

The sooner these old, fat, white lunatics die off the better. Larry is simply a dangerous moron. That said, lets hope Larry has lots and lots of cheap, loaded, unsecured handguns on or near his children, grand children, friends and relatives.

Meet republican racist Lori Saine from Colorado

Two weeks after Colorado State Senator Vicki Marble (R) came under fire for racially charged comments suggesting that the reason for poverty among certain minority groups was that they eat too much chicken and barbecue, a second Republican on the panel brought a box of Popeye’s chicken to the most recent Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force. After criticism from the state party chairman and communications director, Rep. Lori Saine (R) said Thursday that the action was a “silent protest,” as had been widely reported.

You believe in religion because you're stupid. Atheists are more intelligent

The reason for this, they suggest, is that at low IQs there is little scope for critical reasoning. In a releted note, the morons at Family Research Council and Focus on the Family have grossly inferior mental capacity.
Over the weekend, Politico ran a profile of David Barton which pointed out that he remains extremely popular with the Religious Right and members of Congress, despite the fact that he is the author of the "least credible history book in print" and his "scholarship" is laughable.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Obama's justice department had secretly granted permission for the NSA to deliberately spy on Americans' phone calls, and to retain stored phone calls for extraordinary lengths of time.

Let's recap. The NSA illegally spied on everyone, stopped no terrorists but busted pot smokers and tax cheats, then told the Department of Justice to lie about how this illegal evidence was obtained.

None of this was legal. The NSA was engaged in a decades long criminal conspiracy and no one responsible for this unforgivable sin is going to be shot, hanged, murdered or given a stern talking to.  

Billions and billions and billions of taxpayer dollars spent to send pot smokers to jail and to gain LOVEINT so paranoid childish jealous NSA employees can find out who she is fucking now.

The US Congress twice said 'NO' to the NSA. The NSA said, "Fuck You" to the US Congress and did it anyway.

Please dont worry about Deep State NSA. No one will go to jail, be demoted or even break a finger nail. The American pubic is the enemy and they have no domain over the NSA.

Can't you just imagine what Supreme Asshole Antonin Scalia will use to justify this NSA abortion? Smell the Freedom, libtards.

NSA spys on your iPhone, Android or BlackBerry

The United States' National Security Agency intelligence-gathering operation is capable of accessing user data from smart phones from all leading manufacturers. Top secret NSA documents that SPIEGEL has seen explicitly note that the NSA can tap into such information on Apple iPhones, BlackBerry devices and Google's Android mobile operating system.

Why Racist People Tend to Be Conservative

There are several reasons why tea bag conservative republicans are racist: ignorance, fear, hatred and mental illness.

Not every republican is racist, but if you are racist, you're going to vote republican.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Ronald Reagan. Dick Nixon. Mission accomplished. Republicans are a disease

If you point out that a polygraph test is junk science, and you suggest that a polygraphee lie about how to manipulate this junk science, you can go to jail in America

Polygraphs are junk. They are a fraud. They don't prove lies. The lie detector is an interrogation tool designed to intimidate.

You think Edward Snowden failed his polygraph?

Lets talk about the Reid Nine Steps of Interrogation. Because you are guilty but you probably didn't realize it.

glenn beck should be hunted down like nazis

Hate grifter glenn beck has...mental health issues. Reminder: glenn beck is a faux spews, tea bagging conservative asshole. Much like the totality of all faux spews, tea bagging conservative assholes. republicans are a disease of ignorance and hate.

Mentally unstable, non-police chief Mark Kessler fired from his job

Too bad non-chief Mark Kessler's father was unable to finish a job nobody started. Maybe then non-chief Mark Kessler wouldn't be the derranged lunatic he is today! Here is Mark Kessler's father. Pity him.