Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The US now ranks 27th in life expectancy among 34 advanced economies, down from 20 in 1990

There is always an ignant republican to blame. In this case, the wing nut belief that clorine is bad.

Last week, we were among those who wrote about the latest revelations via the Guardian about how the NSA was sharing raw communications it had collected with Israeli intelligence.

NY Times Doesn't Think That NSA Sharing Raw Communications With Israel Is Newsworthy
This is a major part of the story -- where the NSA keeps insisting that it is exceptionally careful with the data it collects, yet here it is handing off a ton of communications, including those of Americans, off to a foreign intelligence agency with basically no oversight. If the NY Times doesn't think that's newsworthy, the NY Times needs to recalibrate its newsworthy scale.

Meet self-proclaimed television prophet, republican bigot Cindy Jacobs

Mentally ill Cindy Jacobs thinks she is a "Respected Prophet".  She thinks she can heal damaged cheek bones and "Satanic Tumors".  Yes, republican Cindy Jacobs calls herself a doctor and thinks of herself as a General. Like all the religiously bigoted, hate grifter Cindy Jacobs is accepting donations.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dov Lior, a popular chief rabbi in Israel, recently called Obama a Kushi, which is Israel's equivalent to nigger.

Most Americans are completely unaware of the general contempt that many Jewish people have towards blacks, as Max Blumenthal found out when he interviewed dozens of young people in Israel who reiterated the Rabbi's sentiments about Obama. Blumenthal's video titled Feeling the Hate in Israel was removed from YouTube, Vimeo, and the Huffington Post shortly after going viral.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Phyllis Schlafly: Round up all registered republicans and 'occuy' them like Israel does to the Palestinians

Phyllis Schlafly advocates taking republican homes and voting rights and giving that property to the democratic state for the good of the nation.
We must shame and cut off taxpayers' money from the groups that killed the American middle class, including fascists, religious bigots, government handouts to corporations and republican politicians who want big-government spending in order to win votes.
You know, that nasty bitch is right.

Medical Examiner: Zimmerman Shot Trayvon In The Back

Dr Bao was fired for pointing out the incompetence and corruption of the prosecution.

Donald Rumsfeld is America's Pol Pot

Since Robert McNamara, which American has kill more Human Beings than Rummy? You go to war with the incompetent sociopath you have, not the one you ever want.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Quite literally the only thing protecting Republicans from the consequences at this point is gerrymandering and corruption

The US is liberal despite the existence of ding bat and probably closeted Ted Cruz.

If you Google "fantasy porn rape ann coulter", the first two pages of results are from "The Daily Caller"

Yes, Ann "Voter Felon" Coulter smears feces on the walls there, but sheesh.  Maybe Politico or an intern from the Beast should ask Tucker a few questions between cocktail hours and nap time.

Wikileaks Is A Front For Russian Intelligence And Snowden's A Russian Spy

What, no Jews to blame?

Is Drudge missing an intern? The Blaze? Wind Nut Daily? The less than Free Beacon? Washington Times? Faux Spews? Debka File? Hot Air? America's Shittiest Website? The criminally racist and religiously bigoted over at Deadbart?

No, this paranoia comes from one of Deep States' own. Which begs the question, "How paranoid and stupid is Deep State NSA?" and "Why is the NSA so fucked up that they illegally give raw intel to Apartheid Israel to blackmail and extort from US citizens?"

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Andrew Card said, "Mr President, the nation is under attack"

Paralyzed with fear, shame and ignorance, Chimpy aWol Bush the Coward did nothing. Happy 911 republican war criminals! 

NSA Shares Raw Intelligence Including Americans’ Data With Apartheid israel

The US government sends your illegally stolen telephone data with Apartheid israel to do as Apartheid israel sees fit. Steal your bank info? Credit card number? It all goes to israel for someone to blackmail and steal from you.

Maybe the US should stop giving Apartheid israel free money weapons and NSA stolen intelligence.