Monday, September 23, 2013

republican Paul Broun (GA) one of the most corrupt members of Congress for the second year in a row

Straight from the pit of hell, here is corrupt republican paul broun.

Mad Cow Disease. The republican party is protecting the criminals

Blame the republican party. Because the republican party places profits over American lives, beef can't be inspected properly.

Many people have forgotten about Mad Cow Disease, but the risks are far from gone, especially because the government has obfuscated. In its final report about the first US mad cow, found in December 2003, the government said "all potentially infectious product" from the deadly cow "was disposed of in a landfill in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations."
But the San Francisco Chronicle reported that 11 restaurants received the meat. Big difference. The sources of the Mad Cow Disease seen in a second and third cow were never found but the government protected the identities of the Texas and Alabama ranches and let them sell beef again within a month. Mad Cow and related diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease in deer are transmitted by prions which are "rogue proteins" that are not destroyed by cooking, heat, autoclaves, ammonia, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, phenol, lye, formaldehyde, or radiation, and they remain in the soil, contaminating it for years.
Because Mad Cow Disease could destroy the US beef industry, officials are quick to dismiss possible human cases. When suspicious cases arise, officials call them "spontaneous" illnesses, not from eating bad meat—even before tests are in. 

As a law student at Harvard, Ted Cruz refused to study with anyone who hadn’t been an undergrad at Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. Says Damon Watson, one of Cruz’s law-school roommates: “He said he didn’t want anybody from ‘minor Ivies’ like Penn or Brown.”

republican Ted Cruz is a bigoted asshole.

President Obama Asks Congress To Give Up Its Oversight On Secret TPP Agreement

Anti-globalization advocates accuse the TPP of going far beyond the realm of tariff reduction and trade promotion, granting unprecedented power to corporations and infringing upon consumer, labour, and environmental interests.

One widely republished article claims the TPP is "a wish list of the 1%" and that "of the 26 chapters under negotiation, only a few have to do directly with trade. The other chapters enshrine new rights and privileges for major corporations while weakening the power of nation states to oppose them.

"third of Americans – and nearly half of evangelical, fundamentalist, or born-again Christians – believe prayer and Bible study alone can overcome serious mental illness."

Why mock superstitious right wing religious idiots? Because these ignorant assholes overwhelmingly vote republican, the party insane voting block that supports and frequently passes bigoted, unfair and unsound legislation.

Secret illegal government domestic spying programs Hemisphere and Stingray

The US government is lying to you, federal courts and your attorney.
NSA surveillance data is finding its way into domestic drug investigations, which is then hidden by the DEA from defense lawyers, prosecutors, and the courts to ensure the surveillance data stream continues unchallenged.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Never let them catch you working. - Chimpy aWol Bush

P.S. I always though david frum was a nasty piece of shit. Mean spirited and disingenuous. The perfect spokesman for the compassionate conservative. Did you know frum is as tall as chuckles krauthammer in his Stragelove wheelchair? It true. Short, crippled bitter conservative jews are the best republicans.

Oh well. Good times. I miss being pampered. I gotta go. My tub is almost full and I gotta figure out what happened to that goat.

The Chimpster

How breath takingly stupid do you have to be, to elect texas republican Blake Farenthold?

This fat bucket of shit got elected to national office. What the fuck is wrong with you, texas? Christ, jesus wept...

Un-American asshole conservative republicans give thanks to Vladimir Putin

republicans need Putin to defend America from Americans. Once staunchly anti-communist, and pro-American, republicans praise, laud and give respect to Vladimir Putin.

If you use the bible to argue for cutting food stamps, like montana republican Kevin Cramer, you are an asshole

Fuck you, republican Kevin Cramer. Fuck you.

Friday, September 20, 2013

republican asshole Sam Brownback puts Kansas children in poverty, their parents in misery

Compassionate conservatism looks like poverty. Mean spirited and bigoted.

Meet republican asshole Bill Johnson

republican bill johnson is a sexist piece of shit.

If Keystone XL was such a good deal, the Canucks would of run the pipeline to Vancouver or Nova Scotia. Instead, they decided to let the filthy crap run through the US.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Meet republican assholes James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56

Lets all pray that their families, brother, sisters, children, parents, and friends have access to lots of cheap, loaded handguns.  Happiness at the loss of two republican voters.

RSA Tells Its Developer Customers: Stop Using NSA-Linked Algorithm

Good. Fuck those paranoid perverts. LoveInt is for assholes. Criminal, paranoid, creepy assholes.

Dismantle Deep State NSA

Unaccountalbe rogue Generals at the NSA ruined America. Fuck them. Tear down the NSA. They cant stop terrorist attacks but they can bust pot smokers and tell the DEA to lie about it.

Some constitutional amendments are more important than others. The Second is clearly more important than the Fourth.