Friday, September 27, 2013

Has the NSA ever collected or made any plans to collect Americans’ cell-site information in bulk?

Chief General NSA Criminal Keith Alexander: Yes. Yes we have.

Meet republican asshole Tony Makris. He shot an elephant in the face.

Republican asshole Tony Makris then compared critics to Hitler and racists.
Makris offered a number of rationales for shooting the elephant, including suggesting that people who oppose elephant hunting but accept other forms of hunting are practicing "animal racism." He added that he would respond to someone who said elephants should not be hunted because of their size, scarcity or intelligence by saying, "Hitler would have said the same thing."
Tony Makris is a dumb fucking asshole. All of us here hope and pray Tony keeps lots and lots of cheap loaded weapons in reach of his children, grandchildren, friends, parents and family, until one glorious day WE can have a bubbly toast of our own. Seriously, Tony Makris is a sick, ugly human being.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Allen West reportedly called a female employee a "Jewish American princess," resulting in the loss of his job.

African American White Supremacist and Court Martial candidate Allen West calle some poor woman a JAP and got shit-canned.

Dianne Feinstein says NSA helped Qazi brothers arrest. Lawyers say prosecution is engaging in 'evidence laundering'

Aint that a bitch. US government engages in a perfectly nice criminal conspiracy for nearly two decades. Now, because some libtards exposed that little lie, now, the federal prosecutors say "Gee, maybe we should mention to the defense that we used illegally obtained evidence." What a shame. Such a pity.
The Qazi case is significant because it marks the first time federal trial prosecutors acknowledged they should notify defendants if evidence used against them is derived from far-reaching NSA programs. In the Qazi case, prosecutors said in a July filing that no such evidence would be used at trial –- reversing their previous position.

NSA Chief Keith Alexander should be in jail, not collecting a public paycheck and launching a PR campaign for more taxpayer dollars

Sadly, the proud "cowboy" who once ordered underlings to damn the legality and "collect it all" seems to have lost a whole lot of swagger over the past few weeks. He's been reduced to pleading with "the public" for its help and understanding.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Argle Bargle, Green Eggs & Ham and My Pet Goat

Name three emotionally stunted republican assholes that are still destroying America. (Hint: Supreme Asshole Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz and Chimpy aWol Bush.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Criminal Conspiracy between FBI, CIA, DEA, NSA, IRS and the Department of Homeland Security to launder illegally obtained evidence

Agents of a secretive DEA unit routinely receive tips from US intelligence agencies, including NSA intercepts, a report states. The sources are then concealed with "parallel construction" of evidence – a troubling practice that many call unconstitutional. 
SOD is comprised of two dozen partner agencies, which include the FBI, CIA, NSA, Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security, and much of the unit’s work is classified.
This obviously illegal practice appears to bother no one and seems like there is no end in sight.
“Parallel construction is a law enforcement technique we use every day,” one official said, adding that it was “decades old, a bedrock concept” that was used to protect sources and investigative methods. 
While most of “a dozen” of other agents interviewed by Reuters were said to have defended the tactics as “legal,” former DEA agent Finn Selander has compared it to a criminal activity
“It’s just like laundering money – you work it backwards to make it clean,” Selander, who is now a member of the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition group, explained. 
‘Blatantly unconstitutional’ 
Meanwhile, lawyers, prosecutors and legal experts have been outraged by the report, saying that if the so-called “parallel construction” was indeed used for disguising how an investigation began it explicitly violates pretrial discovery rules. 
Such practice “would not only be alarming but pretty blatantly unconstitutional,” Lawrence Lustberg, a New Jersey defense lawyer has said. 
In particular, it would violate the defendants’ Constitutional right to a fair trial, since if they don’t know how an investigation really began, they cannot ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence – information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses. 
By use of the SOD program the US government could also “skirt” the established court procedures, by which judges privately examine sensitive information (informant’s identity, classified evidence etc.) to determine whether the information is relevant to the defense – something which some lawyers find unacceptable. 
“You can’t game the system. You can’t create this subterfuge. These are drug crimes, not national security cases. If you don't draw the line here, where do you draw it?” said former federal prosecutor Henry E. Hockeimer Jr.

Reagan was a corrupt piece of shit

Maryland State Attorney Scott Shellenberger is an asshole

Remember this idot black cop at Baltimore County School Superintendent Dallas Dance's Core Values community meeting?
In a statement emailed to WBAL Radio, State's Attorney Scott Shellenberger said that," it was clear that Mr. Small violated the rules of the meeting and disrupted the meeting. It was also clear that the Officer acted appropriately and did have probable cause to make an arrest on both charges. "The Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office has just received and reviewed the facts of this case. In the interest of justice, further prosecution will not accomplish anything more. Therefore, the charges have been dismissed." Small had been charged with second degree assault on a police officer, which could have carried up to a ten year prison term if convicted. He was also charged with disrupting a school event. The police officer involved was off duty, and was working as a security officer for the event. He intervened at the request of Dance's chief of staff.
Yea. Probable cause determined by the Superintendents' chief of staff. 10 years for second degree assault. Did you see the assault? No? Dick head black cop and asshole Scott Shellenberger did.

Monday, September 23, 2013

While stealing more Palestinian land, Apartheid Israel assaults Diplomats from France, Britain, Spain, Ireland, Australia and the European Union

Meanwhile, what may turn out to have been a very serious incident between these European countries and Israel, has gotten virtually no coverage in U.S. media.
At least Europe is not ignoring AI violations of international law.
In violation of Geneva Convention protocols for conduct by occupying forces, an Israeli court ruled early last week that the village should be demolished, as nobody living there had been able to receive building permits for dwellings there. According to locals, the village has been at this location since long before the occupying power, Israel, even existed, let alone had occupied the local area through aggressive war, in June, 1967.

Meet racist republican U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes

U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes a Reagan appointee is an open racist and doesn’t care who knows it.

In that ex parte hearing, during which only Texas Department of Criminal Justice lawyers were present, Hughes launched into a colloquy on Adolf Hitler’s use of swastikas, the origin of Caucasians and the futility of diversity programs at universities. He quoted Eleanor Roosevelt opining that “staffs of one color always work better.” It is not the first time Hughes’ views on race during discrimination cases have attracted attention. In January, the 5th Circuit admonished Hughes for dismissing a racist slur as “political” and opining that “no black individually and no blacks collectively owns [sic] the sensitivity rights to fried chicken or anything else.”

For nearly two decades, Ottawa officials have told telecommunications companies that one of the conditions of obtaining a licence to use wireless spectrum is to provide government with the capability to monitor the devices that use the spectrum.

What's problematic here is that this has been going secretly on for 20 years, with no public oversight and with no debate about where to draw the line for such surveillance.

Republicans look like meanspirited class warriors. Indeed they do. And that's because they are.

SNAP, in short, is public policy at its best. It not only helps those in need; it helps them help themselves. And it has done yeoman work in the economic crisis, mitigating suffering and protecting jobs at a time when all too many policy makers seem determined to do the opposite. So it tells you something that conservatives have singled out this of all programs for special ire.

Even some conservative pundits worry that the war on food stamps, especially combined with the vote to increase farm subsidies, is bad for the G.O.P., because it makes Republicans look like meanspirited class warriors. Indeed it does. And that’s because they are.

republican Paul Broun (GA) one of the most corrupt members of Congress for the second year in a row

Straight from the pit of hell, here is corrupt republican paul broun.

Mad Cow Disease. The republican party is protecting the criminals

Blame the republican party. Because the republican party places profits over American lives, beef can't be inspected properly.

Many people have forgotten about Mad Cow Disease, but the risks are far from gone, especially because the government has obfuscated. In its final report about the first US mad cow, found in December 2003, the government said "all potentially infectious product" from the deadly cow "was disposed of in a landfill in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations."
But the San Francisco Chronicle reported that 11 restaurants received the meat. Big difference. The sources of the Mad Cow Disease seen in a second and third cow were never found but the government protected the identities of the Texas and Alabama ranches and let them sell beef again within a month. Mad Cow and related diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease in deer are transmitted by prions which are "rogue proteins" that are not destroyed by cooking, heat, autoclaves, ammonia, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, phenol, lye, formaldehyde, or radiation, and they remain in the soil, contaminating it for years.
Because Mad Cow Disease could destroy the US beef industry, officials are quick to dismiss possible human cases. When suspicious cases arise, officials call them "spontaneous" illnesses, not from eating bad meat—even before tests are in.