Thursday, October 24, 2013

Michael Hayden is no more a senior administration offical, than Chelsea Manning is a junior administration official

Hayden is a fucking criminal. He is an airfarce scumbag who was willfully corrupt in his duties. No combat, not even a pilot, just a psychofrenic fascist.

Research with very young babies suggests that the roots of compassion, empathy and moral reasoning might be in place from birth.

This explains why conservatism is a mental disorder. Conservatives lack basic compassion, empathy and moral reasoning.

Herman Cain speculates the Devil was behind all those sexual harassment allegations

The rest of us suspect a dim witted black pervert.

Peter Brimelow says counter the charge of racism with the charge of treason, because derp

Any discussion of ethnicity or cultural heritage at all, let alone race, was unthinkable.
No, you fucking wingnut! That's anthropology! Everyone is encouraged to discuss culture. It leads to empathy. You on the other hand, are a run of the mill, old white bigot. “Hitler’s Revenge”? Fuck off and get a haircut, hippie.

a secret Senate report found that torture in the Bush years was “unnecessary” and “ineffective.” Not that it was “unconstitutional.”

So yes, unnecessary and ineffective. But also, illegal and unconstitutional and treasonous. Then of course there is the National Security Agency’s gutting of the Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable search and seizure. As long as the unreasonable search and seizure happens on the internet, apparently that is all right. What arrogance, what hypocrisy, what fascism.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Faux Spews bimbo Megyn Kelly once referred to Native Americans as "illegal immigrants."

Piece of garbage hate grifter Pat Robertson berates a woman for not healing her son's deafness through prayer

This unholy republican coward can not leave this world fast enough. Christ Pat, what a nasty piece of shit you are for guilting this poor woman for something beyond her control.
Responding to a question from a mother who asked why her hearing impaired son hasn’t been healed despite her prayers, Robertson said that her son may be hindered by a “spirit of deafness.” “I have dealt with people who are deaf and you rebuke the spirit of deafness and they get healed,” Robertson said. “I don’t know what you’re doing wrong.” “Why don’t you try that and if it doesn’t work, try something else,” he said.

Good luck with that, but Deep State NSA really hates it when you tell them their word is illegal.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

When I called pastor Bryan Hardwick, and asked him why they are refusing to post the video — even after repeated promises of doing so — he replied, “It just didn’t go the way we wanted it to go. We were not represented well.”

Colossians 3:22 states: Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything

republican pieces of shit Sean Hannity and Oliver North steal money from wounded veterans

Debbie Schlussel says that Hannity’s military charity Freedom Concerts and the Freedom Alliance, which is chaired by Oliver North, are nothing more than a scam. Schlussel is accusing Hannity of using his military charity as an avenue to pump up his own reputation as someone who is all about helping the troops and their families, rather than actually helping the troops and their families.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Your guilty, you just don't know it. Yet.

If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.
-Cardinal Richelieu, As quoted in The Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations (1896) by Jehiel K̀eeler Hoyt, p. 763