Monday, November 04, 2013

Creepy One Hit Wonder Lou Reed dead

Domestic Right Wing Terrorist murders TSA agent at LAX

The US has a vested interest to pretent Right Wing Terrorists don't exist.
Arabs and Muslims who melt down are not in today’s America allowed to be just ‘quiet” or “troubled” individuals. They are always seen as emblematic of their ethnic group, and one or two of them are enough to make a conspiracy. (In some cases, a Muslim troubled loner who went postal has been enlisted in the conspiracy simply by pointing to radical magazines he read, whereas the wingnut literature Ciancia clearly hung out with is not being mentioned.)

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Government Gangsterism

What a week! Shortly after Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that maybe our government had gone "too far" in its surveillance programs, the Washington Post dropped another Edward Snowden bombshell demonstrating that it is going a whole lot farther than we knew.

White American gun owners are racist

A new study finds higher levels of racism in white Americans is associated with having a gun in the home and greater opposition to gun control policies.

time favors the water, not the rock

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Teabag general William Boykin says the Military wants to take out the President

“People I’ve spoken to would like to see the military ‘fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president,’ ” retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin told World Net Daily, a website best known for pushing Obama “birther” conspiracy theories.
So Bill "My God Is Bigger Than Your God" Boykin thinks it is US Military duty to assassinate elected leaders and the active duty servicemen want to stage a coup.

Got it.

Friday, November 01, 2013

You can't have your privacy violated if you don't know your privacy is violated.

Jesus wept.

Infrastructure, endless war, tax code, war on drugs, education, prison reform, jobs, domestic spying, evidence laundering, political prosecutors, political judges, coal pollution, oil spills, food stamps, climate change, endless cheap loaded guns, protected monopolies, bansters, poor people, racism, bigotry and the tea bag conservative republicans just want to destroy it all. That's sedition and it used to be illegal. Republicans are destroying America.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Penis nose republican, Raffael "Canadian" Cruz says he looks forward to African Americans Zimmermaning white people

Cruz said this “isn’t about inflaming racial tensions though some might try to use it to do that.”
Please god, please let dick nose cruz become the 2016 candidate.

Nevada republican Jim Wheeler says he’d vote to bring back slavery.

That's the spirit repuglicans! Good work!! The part of Lincoln, right there! Well done, well done.

Oklahoma republican Tom Coburn says democrat Harry Reid is not courtious, then Coburn calls Reid an asshole

Gee Tom, it's not a popularity contest, but if it was, you'd lose.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Britain's Cameron says may act against newspapers over spy leaks

Now you know why the American revolutionaries decided to break off with England and why the writers of the US Constitution felt the need to  explicitly guarantee freedom of speech and freedom of the press: because there is always some power mad prick like David Cameron deciding what the people are allowed to know.  
Sorry Digby. Not so much.

"James Clapper committed crimes, and he ought to be prosecuted."

So, for the top national security official in the United States to go to the Senate and lie to their faces and deny that the NSA is doing exactly that which our reporting proved that the NSA was in fact doing is plainly a crime, and of course he should be prosecuted, and would be prosecuted if we lived under anything resembling the rule of law, where everybody is held and treated equally under the law, regardless of position or prestige. Of course, we don’t have that kind of system, which is why no Wall Street executives have been prosecuted, no top-level Bush officials were prosecuted for torture or warrantless eavesdropping, and why James Clapper hasn’t been prosecuted despite telling an overt lie to Congress. And what’s even more amazing, though, Amy, is that not only has James Clapper not been prosecuted, he hasn’t even lost his job. He’s still the director of national intelligence many months after his lie was revealed, because there is no accountability for the top-level people in Washington.

And the final thing to say about that is, there’s all kinds of American journalists who love to go on television and accuse Edward Snowden of committing all these grave and horrible crimes. They’re so brave when it comes to declaring Edward Snowden to be a criminal and calling for [inaudible]. Not one of them has ever gone on television and said, "James Clapper committed crimes, and he ought to be prosecuted." The question that you just asked journalistically is such an important and obvious one, yet not—none of the David Gregorys or Jeffrey Toobins or all these American journalists who fancy themselves as aggressive, tough reporters, would ever dare utter the idea that James Clapper ought to be arrested or prosecuted for the crimes that he committed, because they’re there to serve those interests and not to challenge or be adversarial to them.

Lenin: “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.” Churchill: “Control your citizens’ health care and you control your citizens.”

No, no no! No wingnuts, they never said any such fucking thing.

Saturday, October 26, 2013