Saturday, January 04, 2014

We must realize the GOP’s devotion to Israel truly is a front for their true objective: creating an Armageddon scenario where Rapture Christianity‘s prophecies can be fulfilled.

Boycott, Divest and Sanction Apartheid Israel. Stop giving Apartheid Israel free US taxpayer money.
Israel has shown despicable disregard for the human rights of the Palestinians, essentially denying them the right to exist in a land they’ve had claim to for thousands of years. Palestinians are the victims of Israeli blockades and are forced to live in dire poverty. They’ve even gone so far as to put Palestinian children in cages if they’re even suspected of throwing rocks. Israel was the only country to systematically prosecute children in its military courts, and added that “no Israeli children come into contact with the military court system”.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Those Microsoft "crash reports"? They went to the NSA

One of the most striking reported revelations concerned the NSA's alleged ability to spy on Microsoft Corp.'s crash reports, familiar to many users of the Windows operating system as the dialogue box which pops up when a game freezes or a Word document dies. The reporting system is intended to help Microsoft engineers improve their products and fix bugs, but Der Spiegel said the NSA was also sifting through the reports to help spies break into machines running Windows. One NSA document cited by the magazine appeared to poke fun at Microsoft's expense, replacing the software giant's standard error report message with the words: "This information may be intercepted by a foreign sigint (signals intelligence) system to gather detailed information and better exploit your machine."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A&E star of "Duck Dynasty" Phil Robertson encourages you to rape 15 year old children. He says 20 is too old. It's on video.

Far right wing racist bigot Phil Robertson, star of A&E's "Duck Dynasty" says “Marry these children when they’re 15 and 16 years-old" and presumably he means to consummate the relationship to said underage child. Which is to say, rape a child.

So adult women are too old for Phil Robertson, star of A&E's of "Duck Dynasty". Let's repeat what we see on the tape: A&E's star of "Duck Dynasty" Phil Robertson thinks 15 year olds are OK to rape, but adults of 20 are too old.

“Cut him off, he’s a jerk. I covered four wars with a pen, OK, Mr. Weinstein? So don’t impugn my courage ever again. You’re a weasel.”

The Coward Bill O'Reilly

t's "E. Pluribus Unum", not "In God We Trust", you fascists. It's what the Founding Fathers stated

While not all conservatives are openly racist, almost all openly racist people are conservatives. This is an uncomfortable truth that the right furiously denies.

A question for anyone that claims to be a proud white person: What, exactly, are you proud of? I’ve asked this a few times and can’t seem to get a straight answer. Please don’t tell/ask me about black pride as it is not relevant to the question. I want to know why YOU are proud to be white. If the only way you can explain it is by comparing it to another ethnicity’s pride, you are not answering the question. Stay on topic and explain what it is about being white that fills you with pride.

Friday, December 27, 2013

When you begin a post with "I'm not a racist but...." and continue with "plz shoot that fucking nigger president. ..he is a Muslim piece of shit"

You're a racist republican asshole. Maybe the Secret Service could get an intern to ring Chris Crockett.

“planned program perjury policy right out of the Department of Justice”

The FBI, Drug Enforcement Agency, and law enforcement, along with the NSA, are collecting information on Americans and then using that information to arrest people. “Parallel construction” is then used to “fabricate evidence” that is substituted with evidence that is subsequently collected legally and through mechanisms that have traditionally been an accepted part of criminal investigations. In former senior NSA employee and whistleblower William Binney’s view, this is the “real problem.” It is occurring without a warrant and they can bring this information into court. He calls it the “planned program perjury policy right out of the Department of Justice.” “They’re lying to the courts,” Binney explains. The government knows that they are lying when they say here is the evidence used to arrest these people. The information is also being shared with “foreign counterparts.”

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Burn it to the ground. Burn it to the ground. Burn it to the ground. Merry Christmas

The system is not fixable because it is not broken. It is working, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to give the insiders their royal prerogatives, and to shove the regulations, the laws, and the debt up the asses of everyone else.

For the last 13 years, 69% of Walmart’s political donations have gone to anti-gay, anti-environmental, and pro-gun causes.

Adding to Walmart’s PR woes, a report from Bloomberg this week has revealed that the retail giant is taking advantage of controversial federal rules, allowing them to ask employees to contribute to political action committees in exchange for matching charitable donations.