Saturday, January 18, 2014

TeaBag Party: ‘Extremism In Defense Of Failure’

Beginning by writing “something is seriously wrong with conservatism,” McCarthy offers a surprisingly honest evaluation of the conservative movement, asserting that since Ronald Reagan left office, the Republican party and conservative movement have been largely unable to secure serious political victories of any serious consequence. Claiming, as conservative defenders often do, that George W. Bush was not a conservative, he goes on to examine the history of factional development throughout the right, culminating in what he describes as the purely reactionary extremism movement that is the tea party.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) is happy for your American children to die in Iran

The neo-cons are happy for another American war waged on the behalf of Israel with American blood and treasure. Who runs America?

If the Supreme Court allows the NSA to continue its metadata collection, we will reside in what can only be characterized as a police state.

Do you think Fat Tony is going to vote to protect the Poor and un-empowered or do you think he'll vote to give more power to the State?

Friday, January 10, 2014

"Hoover would have made a perfect high level Nazi"

J. Edgar, a fascist human piece of garbage if there ever was. Just like his successor. James Comey. The National Security Letter (NSL) program is an ugly fascist, authoritarian tyrannical weapon. The American police state apparatus answers to no one.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Do Palestinians spary paint "Death to Jews" in Yaffa?

Israeli right-wing activists punctured on Tuesday, tires of five cars belonging to 1948 Palestinians (Palestinians living in Israel) in the city of Yaffa in the '48 territories and spray-painted racist slogans reading "Death to Arabs".

Monday, January 06, 2014

BREAKING: Mitt Romney is Being Sued in Federal Court for Criminal Racketeering

Ha ha! Fuck you Willard Mittens, you draft dodging cowardly cultist.

Deep State USA. The 4th branch of government

Since my childhood, in fact, that tripartite government has grown a fourth part, a national security state that is remarkably unchecked and unbalanced. In recent times, that labyrinthine structure of intelligence agencies morphing into war-fighting outfits, the U.S. military (with its own secret military, the special operations forces, gestating inside it), and the Department of Homeland Security, a monster conglomeration of agencies that is an actual “defense department,” as well as a vast contingent of weapons makers, contractors, and profiteers bolstered by an army of lobbyists, has never stopped growing. It has won the undying fealty of Congress, embraced the power of the presidency, made itself into a jobs program for the American people, and been largely free to do as it pleased with almost unlimited taxpayer dollars.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

republican governors to kill 27,000 people to smite president Obama

“The 25 GOP-led states that are refusing to expand Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act are not just turning down an estimated $42.6 billion in 2014 alone, they’re also missing a chance to save 27,000 lives ,” reports Jason Sattler in National Memo.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

"You have such a stunningly superficial understanding of what went on that it's almost embarrassing to listen to you."

Zbigniew Brzezinski to Laurie Klausutis alleged murderer Joe Scarborough. Joe Scarborough was allegedly fucking Laurie Klausutis when Laurie alledgedly "fell" in Joe Scarborough's office late at night after alleged Unathorized Sexy Time. Her body was found the following day. Joe got divorced and was forced to leave office. But the Joe the scumbag republican murderer landed on his feet.

If everyone in the U.S. was on Medicare, the savings would move the federal budget from deficit to surplus.

The USA is too stupid to have nice things. Just an immoral military that kills civilians and disposes veterans like toilet paper.
Economists learn before they get their undergraduate degrees that such huge variations are signs of inefficient markets or even faux markets. Such wide price variations may even indicate collusion among some providers to jack up prices, which is generally illegal. But even if we ignore these huge price variations, the trade industry report illustrates another problem: American health-care costs are completely out of line with the rest of the modern world.

Red state cancervative republicans are the biggest welfare queens

Don't extend jobless benefits. Most of those freeloaders are red state rubes. You republicans continue to vote against your economic interests, you get what you vote for.

We must realize the GOP’s devotion to Israel truly is a front for their true objective: creating an Armageddon scenario where Rapture Christianity‘s prophecies can be fulfilled.

Boycott, Divest and Sanction Apartheid Israel. Stop giving Apartheid Israel free US taxpayer money.
Israel has shown despicable disregard for the human rights of the Palestinians, essentially denying them the right to exist in a land they’ve had claim to for thousands of years. Palestinians are the victims of Israeli blockades and are forced to live in dire poverty. They’ve even gone so far as to put Palestinian children in cages if they’re even suspected of throwing rocks. Israel was the only country to systematically prosecute children in its military courts, and added that “no Israeli children come into contact with the military court system”.