Monday, January 27, 2014

Lori Klausutis death attendee Joe Scarborough says Monica Lewinski is "just like the Iraq War in 2003"

“It was such an ugly chapter in our history,” he explained. “It’s just like the Iraq War in 2003. There are just some things, we fought those battles. Let’s let them go.”
War crimes, murder, blowjobs. Let them go. They are ugly thoughts.
Scarborough, who voted to impeach Bill Clinton, on Monday insisted that he would “never bring that stuff up in a gazillion years.”  

you are 29 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist

Over 5,000 people have been killed in the US by police than US soldiers have fallen during the Iraq war over the last 10 years. The figure seems to reflect the increased militarization of police and, shockingly, means that you are 29 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Did ChimpCo's NSA blackmail Jane Harman?

Rep. Jane Harman, called the “most crucial defender of the Bush warrantless eavesdropping program,” using her status as ‘the ranking Democratic on the House intelligence committee’ to repeatedly praise the NSA program as “essential to U.S. national security” and ‘both necessary and legal,” was blackmailed by the Bush administration for an allegedly corrupt agreement she made on that phone call with an alleged Israeli spy. “

When she was in Congress,Harman was allegedly offered the chairmanship of the House Intelligence committee by an Israeli spy in return for her lobbying for reduced charges against operatives of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who had been charged with espionage.
The conversation was allegedly picked up by the NSA.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Smith & Wesson announced it will stop selling its handguns in California rather than manufacture them to comply with a new microstamping law

Good. Fuck you gun nut bastards. We all here hope you are pissed off. We also wish you, your friends, your parents and your children, your children's friends and coworkers have access to plenty of cheap, loaded handguns.

No go second amendment yourselves.

"My check from the Koch brothers seems to have been lost in the mail or intercepted by the NSA. So for the moment I am representing myself."

Mark Steyn. A staggering incompetent asshole? Or merely a stupid one?

Neil deGrasse Tyson: GOP doomed to poverty because they’re ‘born into’ ignorance

Shorter James Joiner: Chimpy attacks Afghanistan instead of the correct county Saudi Arabia, then Chimpy fucks things up further by killing many Americans and Iraqis for Apartheid Israel and the Kurds continue to get screwed

That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.

James Joiner Gardner, Ma

Friday, January 24, 2014

FISA Court Waited Until After Snowden Leaks To Actually Explore If Bulk Phone Record Collection Was Legal

One of the most common defenses of the NSA's bulk phone record collection (in which they get access to the record of basically every phone call in the US) is that the program has been reviewed and reapproved by the FISA Court every few months. Especially after the ruling by Judge Richard Leon calling the program unconstitutional, defenders of the program kept insisting that "every other judge" who reviewed the program had found it legal, with basically all of those other judges being the FISA court. Just yesterday, for example, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that "at least 15 judges on about 35 occasions have said that the program itself is legal." Except... that's not actually true.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Republicans doomed to poverty because they’re ‘born into’ ignorance

Self correcting requires evidence not at hand and is really wishful thinking. republicans will doom thenselves and as many rubes as possible.
He says this is a “self-correcting” phenomenon, because “nobody wants to die. We all care about health. Republicans, especially, don’t want to die poor. So educated Republicans know the value of innovations in science and technology for the thriving of an economy and business industry.” So, he believes, eventually even they won’t want to see something “that is not science in a science classroom,” because that “undermines the entire enterprise that was responsible for creating the wealth that we have come to take for granted in this country.”

Apartheid Israel, AIPAC and other Neocons really want America to fight and die in Iran. For Israel.

Israel is willing for Americans to die on behalf of...Apartheid Israel! Say 'no' to Israel First Jewish war mongers and give peace a chance. Say 'no' to Israel. Boycott, Divest and Sanction Apartheid Israel.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Until you red state rubes start voting Democratic in West Virginia, you can choke on your shitty poluted water.

You cancervatives get what you deserve, nothing but disease. Clutch your useless bibles and guns and drink the fucking poisoned GOP approved water. Poisoned water and the disease you get from it is gods retribution for your ignorant sin of electing republicans.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dianne Feinstein says NSA would never abuse its powers because it's 'Professional'

Oh for christ's sake. What a silly dingbat bitch. I hate to go goodwin so early this morning, but I'm sure Karl Rove, ChimpCo and the other fascists of the 20 century were a blast to party with too.

Monday, January 20, 2014

War Pig Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is a drunkard suffering from PTSD

Ego and naccisism prevented this strategic failure from resigning.

A Running List of What We Know the NSA Can Do. So Far.

It can track the numbers of both parties on a phone call, as well location, time and duration. It can hack Chinese phones and text messages. It can set up fake internet cafes. It can spy on foreign leaders' cell phones. It can tap underwater fiber-optic cables. It can track communication within media organizations like Al Jazeera. It can hack into the UN video conferencing system. It can track bank transactions. It can monitor text messages. It can access your email, chat, and web browsing history. It can map your social networks. It can access your smartphone app data. It is trying to get into secret networks like Tor, diverting users to less secure channels. It can go undercover within embassies to have closer access to foreign networks. It can set up listening posts on the roofs of buildings to monitor communications in a city. It can set up a fake LinkedIn. (More) It can track the reservations at upscale hotels. It can intercept the talking points for Ban Ki-moon’s meeting with Obama. It can crack cellphone encryption codes. It can hack computers that aren’t connected to the internet using radio waves. (Update: Clarification -- the NSA can access offline computers through radio waves on which it has already installed hidden devices.) It can intercept phone calls by setting up fake base stations. It can remotely access a computer by setting up a fake wireless connection. It can install fake SIM cards to then control a cell phone. It can fake a USB thumb drive that's actually a monitoring device. It can crack all types of sophisticated computer encryption. (Update: It is trying to build this capability.) It can go into online games and monitor communication. It can intercept communications between aircraft and airports. It can physically intercept deliveries, open packages, and make changes to devices. It can tap into the links between Google and Yahoo data centers to collect email and other data. Did we miss any? Mischaracterize any capabilities? Let us know in the comments.