Sunday, February 02, 2014

Hey John Elway! Ha ha ha ha! Fuck you, rebuplican! Your shitty team lost! Badly!

Enjoy your wing nut safety net, but you lose!

Ha ha ha!


Ah. Good times.

Fat slob, vindictive bully, teabag conservative republican Christie Creame gets booed

Ha ha ha! Taste teh pain, ya bully! Christie is a republican disgrace. Ha ha HA!!! Even Jan "HeadLess Bodies" Brewer got love tonight!!  But look at the lonely fat slobby bully in the corner :-(

Edward Snowden is a right-wing-nut repubican inflicted with Obama Derangement Syndrome

At the time, the figure who most closely embodied Snowden's rightwing views was Ron Paul, the most famous exponent of US libertarianism. Snowden supported Paul's 2008 bid for the US presidency. He was also impressed with the Republican candidate John McCain. He wasn't an Obama supporter as such, but he didn't object to him, either. Once Obama became president, Snowden came to dislike him intensely.
Snowden was A-Okay with Chimpy's surveillence state, but when Obama took it over, so did Snowden's ODS

Starting time for NFL Super Bowl XLVIII

NFL Super Bowl XLVIII today, PM on FOX MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, New Jersey Seattle Seahawks (15-3) Denver Broncos (15-3)

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Newark Star-Ledger calls for fat fuck and vindictive asshole conservative teabag bitch Crispy Cream to resign or be impeached

No, we're not linking

peter schiff, other jews, anti-semitism and money. What could possibply go wrong

So, Woody Allen is a pedophile rapist.

Well that explains why he is so fucking creepy.

"The National Review, which has run at a loss since it was founded on money inherited by William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1955..."

Jesus christ, let the hand of the free market bitch slap Rich Lowry and let him grift his dimwitted hate on his own dime.
In 2005, before his death, Buckley estimated that the Review had lost more than $25 million in its 50 years of operation. It has never enjoyed a single moment of robust financial health competing in the “free market of ideas,” but has relied on reader contributions and bailouts from wealthy donors for the entirety of its history.
That Estimated loss of $25 million came from William F so you can bet the real number is much, much, much higher. The National Review is the definition of wingnut welfare.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Almost Everything About The Bulk Collection Of Phone Data Is Illegal

Yet, teabag conservative republicans only care about Benghazi, repealing ObamaCare and saying 'fuck you' to every other American that didn't give to their campaign.  It's only going to get worse.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sexually abused children grow up ideally suited for "work as a high flyer in republican politics."

 So says the late Ryan Loskam.
Ryan Loskarn, former chief of staff to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), was sexually molested at the ages of five and nine years old. The memories and images of the abuse tormented him, so he locked them away and made himself as emotionless as possible, which he said made him ideally suited for his work as a high flyer in Republican politics.

“As an adult I thought I was a tougher man because of the experience; that I was mentally stronger and less emotional than most. I told myself that I was superior to other people because I had dealt with this thing on my own,” he said.

He continued, “Those I worked with on the Hill would likely describe me as a controlled, independent, and rational person who could analyze a situation with little or no emotion. That’s how I viewed myself. In retrospect, the qualities that helped me succeed on Capitol Hill were probably developed partly as a result of the abuse and how it shaped me.”

Who was a the bigger republican asshole last night, Tim Huelskamp or Michael Grimm?

Being a bully, and demonstrating your insecurities on national tv doesn't make you masculine. It makes you a weak minded republican bully.

Monday, January 27, 2014

According to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, a stunning 80 percent majority do not trust Republicans to govern the nation.

Worse, the GOP can’t even get 20 percent of Americans to trust them. That number stands at just 19 percent.

Lori Klausutis death attendee Joe Scarborough says Monica Lewinski is "just like the Iraq War in 2003"

“It was such an ugly chapter in our history,” he explained. “It’s just like the Iraq War in 2003. There are just some things, we fought those battles. Let’s let them go.”
War crimes, murder, blowjobs. Let them go. They are ugly thoughts.
Scarborough, who voted to impeach Bill Clinton, on Monday insisted that he would “never bring that stuff up in a gazillion years.”