Monday, February 24, 2014

James Clapper is the real victim

But what’s even more amazing is that Clapper considers himself some sort of victim rather than what he is: the completely undeserving beneficiary of a system of “justice” in which ordinary and powerless people are imprisoned for trivial offenses at greater numbers than any other nation in the world, while those who wield political power, like him, are free to commit crimes without even losing their powerful jobs, let alone being prosecuted for them. James Clapper should look in the mirror every morning and be extremely grateful for the corrupted political system that has shielded him from the consequences of his crimes even as he tries to criminalize others for doing things that the U.S. Constitution guarantees them the right to do.
Instead, he sees himself as the victim. He has medals on his chest and an important national security state position. It is simply outrageous that some people suggest that he has no right to commit felonies, and it’s infuriating that his adult son has to hear some people (almost none in the media) suggest that his criminal conduct should have the same consequences as when ordinary citizens commit less serious crimes. That’s the refusal to accept any personal responsibility, the view of powerful U.S. officials that they are and must be entirely above the law, the obsessive self-regard, that more than anything else has destroyed Washington’s political culture.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

If you're a Nazi, you're probably a republican

"Not all republicans are racist. But if you are racist, you probably are a republican." -Bill Maher
The fact is that the Republican Party today has a problem with race. Not across the board, but it is there.
And draft dodging coward Ted Nugent is clearly Nazi in character.

Nugent’s phrase is straight from Mein Kampf. If Republicans such as Abbott and Palin won’t denounce this language, then the GOP has a much bigger race problem than even its most trenchant critics could have imagined.

(Pedophile rapist) Nugent wraps himself in the flag, but lifting language from America’s greatest enemy is not patriotism. Millions of Americans risked their lives to fight this ideology. (Draft dodging coward Ted Nugent) is treasonous.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Damn socialists

In America, coward Ted Nugent would be looking for this kids little sister. A catholic priest would be stroking. Any teabag asshole republican would either ignore this 47% moocher or offer "compasionate conservatism" which is fascism for 'fuck off'.

The Department of Homeland Security wants a private vendor to provide a national license-plate tracking system

This is a wonderfully and completely fascist domestic spying tool that will be built and abused, because the post constitutional Deep State demands it.
DHS will allow the "vendor" to decide how long to keep the information. And who they sell it to.
Everywhere you go, everything you communicate, the Deep State knows.

Amy's Baking Company Down to 1 Staffer, Owner to Be Deported

Remember these two angry, crazy fuckups from "Kitchen Nightmares"? Sam and Amy?
As of now, the couple only employs one staff member: a dishwasher. "My husband and I don't need anybody to work this restaurant," Amy explained. "We don't depend on anybody. Sometimes he doesn't come if he's sick; we can't force him. We're not going to break his leg because he's not coming to work."

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Meet deranged republican asshole Jerry Anderson

"The carbon dioxide level back in the days of the dinosaurs was considered to be about 600 parts per million. And they seemed to thrive quite well ... The vegetation back in those times was lush,"
Yep. The dinosaurs had it good. What a fucking scumbag.

The FBI officially concluded that Israel had to have known of the attack before 9-11-2001 and didn’t warn the US.

September 11, 2001- Five Dancing Israelis- The terrorists who perpetrated the worst attack on America in its history stated on record that their motivation was America’s unabashed support for the apartheid regime of Israel. Five dancing Israelis were actually caught filming the world trade center attacks and dancing in celebration afterwards. When the Israelis were caught in a van that had contained explosives, they said we are all on the same side now against the Palestinians. The dancing Israelis later admitted on an Israeli talk show that they were there to document the event. Before the US government classified all information on Israel’s involvement in 9-11, the FBI officially concluded that Israel had to have known of the attack before 9-11-2001 and didn’t warn the US. After the attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “We are benefitting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” He also said, “these events have swung American public opinion in our favor.” At best, Israel knew of the attacks before hand and did not warn America because of the strategic support against the Palestinians that it would bring. At worst, Israel had a hand in planning the attacks.

How much of an asshole do you have to be to admit that you don't want uninsured people to sign up for health care?

Meet republican asshole, Nate Bell.

Snowden's Lesson: The Govt. Carries Out the Constitutional Crimes, While the Public Is Legally Powerless

"Totalitarian states always invert the moral order. It is the wicked who rule. It is the just who are damned."

Monday, February 17, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bill Cosby likes to drug and rape women?

Multiple accusations of sexual assault came to light about the beloved comedian in 2006, when close to a dozen women told very consistent stories about being drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby. Somehow, he quietly settled lawsuits and the whole business seemed to vanish from the public consciousness, until recently, largely because of the Allen affair. Upshot: NBC recently made a deal with the 77-year-old comedian for a new family sitcom, but a negative publicity storm is brewing again after one alleged victim gave an interview with Newsweek.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The More Intelligent You Are, the Less Religious (and vice versa)

The basic finding of this study seems pretty solid; a large majority of studies over the years looking at the relationship between intelligence and religion find a clear inverse relationship between how much we think for ourselves, and how much we let religion do the thinking for us. And the authors make a persuasive argument that the reason may be that intelligence and religion both provide the same thing.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Aqua Buddha suing administration over NSA bulk collection program with plagerized work

Good luck with that, AB. Although you did vote against the Patriot Act.

Bob Jones University administrators called student rape victims 'sinners'

Victims were told not to report it because turning in an abuser from a fundamentalist Christian community would damage Jesus Christ
So, christian fundamentalist aided and abetted rapists and other perverts. There is a special place in hell for these religious bigots.