Tuesday, May 06, 2014

republicans are ethnically cleansing the US of poor people and minorities, like Apartheid Israel is doing to the Palistinians

American national embarrassment Louie Gohmert wants you to know that the Constitution only applies to gun-toting homophobes.

Gohmert is a dumb bigoted son of a bitch that's true. But his asparagus is casting aspersions.

Simply stated, republicans hate you. The constitution is not yours, it theirs. Jesus in not yours she's theirs. They hate the government because you can get a vestige of equality there sometimes, so republicans get elected, obstruct and do what ever they can to enrich the 1%.

Today in America, to be a republican means you have to hate and tear down everything that's not rich and white. republicans create nothing good. republicans help no one but themselves. republicans are selfish, mean-spirited and racist.

In fact, if you are a wage earner in America, the republican party would prefer you leave their land. Just like Israel ethnically cleansing the Palestinians,  the republicans in the US are trying to ethnically cleanse poor people and until they succeed, you poor people will have to live the most painful lives possible, just like the Palestinians. Welcome to Apartheid America. Two classes of people. The rich and the Poors, two sets of rules, two sets of justice, two sets of opportunity. In Oligarchy America poor people are stateless. They have no rights and no chance for justice. In Oligarchy America, an AWOL Air Force Officer and cheerleader from Yale can start an illegal war, kill hundreds of thousands, torture countless lives only to retire to a paint by numbers set.

This nasty, petty mean spiritedness is why republicans hate the ObamaCare and offer no alternative. The ACA helps Poors.

In fact, to the republican party, you are a domestic terrorist unless you genuflect at the thought of blowing a Koch brother on command.

The next time some lying bastard like Paul Ryan opens his mouth about smaller government and less taxes, think Cliven Bundy. A belligerent, ignorant armed racist that votes republican. They rest of you? The republican party would like you to die quickly and get off the land of Real Americans. You are not a real American. You're poor. You are gay. You are a woman. You are brown, black or yellow. You're not rich and white. Two Americas. Apartheid America. republicans and the poors.

Now fuck off libtard. A fracking well needs to be started next to that tar sands pipeline.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Old, fat, white and fascist, meet Oklahoma state Rep, republican Mike Christian

This is the sub human mongrel that wants to feed people to the lions and impeach judges who stand in the way of State torture. Mike is also a thee time disability moocher.

Does this slack jawed mouth breather strike you as terribly bright? Or rather a midwestern religious bigot? Keep your chins up Mike, the world will soon forget your putrid soul and you can crawl back under the rock from whence you hatched.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Netanyahoo: ‘Israel is calling for the destruction of Iran'

“Israel is calling for the destruction of Iran. We stole nuclear material from the US, we stole nuclear triggers from the US. Israel has nuclear warheads, and we indend to threaten Iran. Apartheid Israel threatens the entire world."
Maybe, just maybe the US should stop giving Apartheid Israel free US money, weapons and intelligence. Boycott, Divent and Sanction the Zionists.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Carzy Amy Bouzaglo to name her child Gordon

If she has a second, she'll call him Ramsay. Amy also displayed some good old fashioned gay bashing. She wants you to die in an "AIDS fire".

Bill O'Reilly says Stephen Colbert is "a mouthpiece for the far left" and that he has no chance of getting conservative viewers

Dear Bill "cuckold,mackris" O'Luffah, No one gives a flying fuck about mean-spirited, bigoted republican racists, such as yourself. You are a literal dying minority. Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit asshole. America

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Eric Parker is a domestic right wing terrorist

It would be oh so nice if a real law man would go see this sub human piece of shit.

Just who the fuck do you think you are, asshole? The United States has laws just for seditious mother fuckers such as yourself. Let's hope they put your violent, unAmerican ass in jail. Intolerance in the face of your facsist extremism is no vice, you sick piece of garbage.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lori Klausutis Joe Scarborough Affair

News of Lori Klausutis death attendee Morning Joe Scarborough has made it to China.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Obama: GOP efforts to stifle voting rights are ‘a sign of weakness’

Because if you are an ugly conservative racist piece of shit, how are you going to be elected if you don't cheat?

Feeble, weak minded and frightened is no way to go through life, but here we are! Todays republican party!

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon says Apartheid Israel killed the peace talks inorder to steal more Palestinian land as the expense of security

Does Apartheid Israel recognize the Palestinian state? No.

Does Apartheid Israel agree to the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees? No.

Does Israeli Jews have a Right of Return? Yes.

Is Apartheid Israel negotiating the end of the conflict? No. There is more land to steal. Moshe has been shouting this for 20 years. So, who exactly has been taking and not giving? Apartheid Israel!

Maybe the US should stop giving Apartheid Israel free American money weapons and intelligence.
Maybe the US should stop paying more for Israeli national defense than Israel does.
Maybe the world should Boycott, Divest and Sanction Apartheid Israel.

Monday, April 07, 2014

What if the Supreme Assholes are too stupid or too partisan to rein in Deep State NSA crime?

Short Answer: They don't know if it will help or hurt old white conservative asshole republicans yet, so they are punting. As soon as they know it will embolden rich fascists here and abroad, inside the government and out, you will have your edict.

In the 1980's Apartheid Israel helped kill 268 US Marines

It was on March 14, 1983, that the commandant of the Marine Corps sent a highly unusual letter to the secretary of defense expressing frustration and anger at Israel.