Thursday, February 19, 2015

seems the world got a second helping of wet flatulence from pervy texting aficionado John R. Schindler today

Manly? Girly? WTF? What a poorly written dump. It's not attributed to John R but it sure reads like it.

First, it seems sticky fingers Schindler thinks the US needs to spend taxpayer dollars to send ground forces and airpower to take out the 20,000 thugs that is ISIS. The old republican "Just Kill Them" solution.

Uh, ok, why? ISIS is no threat to the US.

His second point further departs from reality. He seems to call the West Obama a big pussy for not standing up to Russia but gives no solution. This conveniently ignores what has been done so far to contain "Putinism".  Did he notice the crumbling economy and the low oil prices lately?

Let's be clear. Two World Wars and a Cold War and the Rooskies are going nowhere. Is Schindler pushing for a nuclear solution?

No one, not even really stupid people republicans think John R is a 'smart' person. He must of been drunk while writing it. It's full of stupid masquerading at intelligent thought.

Go read it. it's an abortion.

pervy texting aficionado John R. Schindler gets ISIS completely wrong

If the U.S. is going to wage war against ISIS, it should be effective. That means more air power to prevent our Middle East concerns from totally imploding
What exactly are our Middle East concerns? John doesn't say, but they'll implode! Totes implode. So what could it be? ISIS poses no threat to the US, Syria is killing themselves nicely, oil prices are staying low for the foreseeable future, Iran has no nukes (thanks to Obama's leadership) so that only leaves Israel. Oh...I see now.

John wants the US to fight another failed, abortion of a war on behalf of the fascists residing in Nuclear Apartheid and in the US Congress.

Of course there would be no ISIS if it weren't for life long fuck up and miserable failure Chimpy aWol Bush but that's the point, isn't it?

In 2004, Donald Rumsfeld directed a Task Force to determine the causes of radicalism & terrorism. Want to guess its conclusion, John? Let's just say your idea for more war sucks.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

(229) 518 6462 spammers need to be fucked in the ass until they bleed to death

dont worry scammers, twitter is protecting you. nothing bad will ever happen to you

Sunday, February 08, 2015

can you guess the name of this penis nosed Canadian?

this disgusting republican joins the ranks of aWol and Jeb! Bush as prolific pot smoking hypocrites. his father is an insane religious bigot from Cuba. final hint: this dick nosed republican loves shutting down the government.

guess the name of this pervy republican creep. he wants to shoot your children

this ugly piece of shit republican is haunting the daydreams and nightmares of little children everywhere. you see, he's afraid he's going to have to shoot your children. actually, it seems as though he's looking forward to killing your children.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

guess the name of this disgusting republican religious bigot

This vile republican pervert haunts the dreams of little children everywhere

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

"And I didn't need to ask 'mother, may I' from the Congress or the president or anyone else. It was within my charter, but in terms of the mature judgment about what's reasonable and what's not reasonable, the death of 3,000 countrymen kind of took me in a direction over here, perfectly within my authority,

no, no it did not and you just confessed to a felony. ChickenHawk Coward Michael Hayden is not the sole interpreter of the 4th amendment. It's not his authority to fuck an entire nation world because he thinks its reasonable.
I find it "reasonable" that Michael Hayden should be executed for the damage he has done to our country and to all the other countries and citizens around the world with his reinterpretation of what is "reasonable".

Monday, January 26, 2015

guess the name of this disgusting republican religious bigot

This vile republican pervert haunts the dreams of little children everywhere

rermember "fifty-four different terrorist-related activities" the perverts at the NSA lied about in order to continue to fuck every single American?

Remember back in 2013 when the then-director of the NSA Keith Alexander claimed that Section 215 bulk telephone metadata surveillance stopped "fifty-four different terrorist-related activities"? Remember when that number was backtracked several times, until all that was left was a single Somali taxi driver who was convicted of sending some money back home?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

guess the name of this disgusting republican religious bigot

This vile republican pervert haunts the dreams of little children everywhere

Like Atrios, I’ve never really understood the realpolitik defense for the extent of the American alliance with the Saudis.

because the US signed a pact whereby the Saudis pledged to rape American gasoline buyers and the US pledges to defend Saudi Arabia against any threat.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

'The huge mistake' is allowing Israel to persist in its violations and war crimes,"

Nuclear Apartheid commits war crimes.
"John Baird has adopted an arrogant tone. 'The huge mistake' is allowing Israel to persist in its violations and war crimes,", mentioning its illegal settlement activities, the shelling and bombing of innocent civilians in Gaza, the expansion of the apartheid wall and checkpoints, the annexation and political, geographical and cultural transformation of Jerusalem, the superimposition of 'Greater Israel' on historical Palestine, and Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing, particularly in Jerusalem, Area C and the Negev. "The 'red line' is the impunity that Israel enjoys for its violations and the fact that Israel is enabled by apologists like John Baird to persist with the support of self-appointed advocates who become complicit in these war crimes," Ashrawi added.

Monday, January 19, 2015

In bold speech, Oreo republican presidential candidate Ben Carson explains why he's not 'a witch' 'crazy'

When your opening act is explaining to people that you are not, in fact, as insane as you might first sound, you are officially starting off your presidential race as a second-tier candidate at best. But this is conservatism, a movement that is willing to forgive a whole lot of crazy if you just patiently explain that it's all a plot against you.