Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ineffective and useless

republican Ted Cruz and screwing poor children out of donated money

Sen. Ted Cruz, the latest Texas politician to commonly use humble language that belies a massive ego, let slip in a recent interview that he has a giant portrait in his office of himself arguing a case before the Supreme Court. Apparently, he uses the portrait as inspiration. But Stephen Colbert wasn't about to let that admission go without putting it in context: The case Cruz was arguing was on behalf of the state of Texas, attempting to get out of donating money to impoverished children that it had promised. You know, just like Jesus would have wanted.
What an asshole.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

XKeyscore, Mainway, Fairview, Stormbrew, Blarney, Oakstar, Nucleon, Prism, Shelltrumpet, Evilolive, Marina, Moonlightpath, Spinnaret the NSA and You

Deep State NSA is subverting everyone and is unaccountable. Have a nice day!

US DoD, NSA & New Zealand military team up to screw over Kiwi journalist Jon Stephenson over his human rights violations investigation

Surveillance state security apparatus used to target political opposition. Let this one sink in. The NSA, DoD and the New Zealand military ganged up on one guy.
Politically sensitive information, such as the kind of stories that Stephenson was writing, is however about politics and political accountability, not security. Metro magazine editor Simon Wilson, who has published a number of Jon Stephenson's prisoner stories, said the Defence Force seemed to see Stephenson as the "enemy", as a threat to the Defence Force. "But that's not how Jon works and how journalism works," he said. "Jon is just going about his business as a journalist." The New Zealand Defence Force "seems to be confusing national security with its own desire not to be embarrassed by disclosures that reveal it has broken the rules", he said.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos exercised “unlawful command influence” in an attempt to punish Marines

Senior Marine Corps Leadership failed Marines? Yes. Yes they did. Then tried to cover it up. General Amos broke some rules and classified the documents as 'secret' to cover it up. Cowards. Senior Marine Corps leadership failure.

Google can’t arrest you.

But the USG can and they have all your evidence to cherry pick through and unlimited dollars. You are all guilty. The Government just hasn't charged you yet.

Teaching evolution leads to genocide and murder

At least that's what conservative religious bigots in the red welfare state of Kentucky say. What's more, they are worried their ignorant children will be ostracized, because that's the way socialism works. One teabag republican bigot, Matt Singleton even said the science of evolution is an elitist religion.
“Instead, this fascist method teaches that our children are the property of the state.”
Honest to god, Singleton is too fucking stupid to vote.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Israeli American Brooke M. Goldstein goes out of her way to be a gossipy bitch to Huma Abedin

Brooke is probably just pissed Huma makes more money than Goldstein does while being more influential in politics. Not compassionate, just conservative. What a perfect bitch.

Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap Australia, Pakistani drone murders, Edward Snowden and USA! USA! USA!

Pine Gap is used to control US spy satellites and listen to Asia. So say the corporate money grubbers at StratRisks.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Scalia's profound ignorance and confusion regarding morality and its role in American law

And that's the ultimate point to be made about Supreme Asshole Fat Tony here: he's not even making a terrible argument. He's simply expressing his personal disgust—a disgust that so overwhelms him, it renders him incapable of making arguments, making sense, or even just keeping up the appearance of having a judicial temperament.