Friday, November 07, 2014

NSA supported the “Operation Onymous” takedown. TOR may have a leak.

NSA may have found and exploited a TOR leak.
Just how law enforcement agents were able to locate the Dark Web sites despite their use of the Tor anonymity software remains a looming mystery.
uh huh.

the rest of the world is laughing at the U.S.

Pastor Marty McLain, who describes his religious belief as deriving from a literal interpretation of the Bible, was given the opportunity to see how secular Scandinavia is by a documentary series called The Norden. The concept is simple: find narrow-minded Americans and throw them into countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark and watch them have panic attacks. It actually sounds like a lot of fun. McLain wanted to use his time in the north to explore how Scandinavians worship God. Unfortunately, he soon discovers that most of them don’t.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

science says republicans are "anxious and fearful", liberals have bigger brains.

no need for you republicans to change. the US Army needs recruits. and lets be honest, you guys don't like education or healthcare anyway, so cling to your guns and bibles so the rest of us can avoid you until you deploy.
Previous studies have shown that conservatives tend to be more anxious and fearful which are associated with increased volume of the right amygdala. This suggests that conservatives are more likely to react strongly out of fear. On the other hand, liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex.
look at this. failed republican policies based on fear mean your liberal friends are doing much better than you. even Zillow is laughing at you. losers :-)

Sunday, November 02, 2014

The Onion Router (TOR) is starting its own CNN type homepage

republican ted "penisnose" cruz says Tim Cook doesn't have the authority to make personal decisions. #republicansHateYou

Ted Cruz likes his iPhone. Isn’t that great? He does not like gay people, and often boasts about that. In fact, the rabid, right-wing Texas Tea Partier even introduced a bill with Utah Sen. Mike that would make sure states will still have the right to ban marriage equality and refuse to recognize same-sex marriages in other states.

But when it comes to Apple CEO Tim Cook’s being gay, that, Cruz said on Squawk Box this week is a “personal decision.”

“Those are his personal choices. I’ll tell you, I love my iPhone,” Cruz said. “Listen, Tim Cook makes his personal decisions, and that is his life. My focus is on the constitutional question of who has the authority to make decisions,” he continued.

But wait, Ted, didn’t you just say it’s a personal decision? Which is it?

Saturday, November 01, 2014

republicans created Al Qaeda and ISIL. now, they provide material suport to the MEK

treasonous, stupid republicans. reagan created Al Qaeda and Chimpy Bush created ISIL. arrogant, hateful, dumb republicans are now providing material support to another terrorist organization. 
Last month in Paris, US Army General Hugh Shelton stood on stage before terrorists of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) and their Wahabist counterparts fighting in Syria, hysterically pledging American material, political, and strategic backing. MEK was listed for years by the US State Department as a foreign terrorist organization, but has received funding, arms, and safe haven by the United States for almost as long.

Friday, October 31, 2014

who is this?

40kg Of Cocaine Found On republican Mitch McConnell’s Father-In-Law’s Boat #republicansHateYou

James Chao, father of republican Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine, has a lot of questions to answer after $6.7 million worth of cocaine was found on the Ping May, a ship owned by the Foremost Group, a company James Chao founded and led to a tidy fortune. But was that fortune built on honest movement of legitimate bulk trade goods, or has Mr. Chao been trading in less than legal goods?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nuclear Apartheid's Bibi Netanyahoo IS a chickenshit asshole

The paranoid texting perverts over at The XX Committee broke out their crayons and scribbled a temper tantrum called, "Why ChickenshitGate Matters".  The short response is, it doesn't and more importantly, Nuclear Apartheid is going away, thanks gods.

First, saying Jeffrey Goldberg is a supporter of Nuclear Apartheid is like saying Jorge Bergoglio has an infinity for Catholicism.
Second, Nuclear Apartheid is no friend of the US. Ask General Mattis or read the US intelligence report “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East” yourself.
Lastly, saying 'it would be good for America and Israel to patch up their differences' is akin to teabag assholes (including Bobo Brooks) saying 'hey Barack, just do what the profoundly stupid right wing, murderous zionists in the US House want you to do. It's good for America.'

"Pathological Career Preservation" applies to Bibi and the careerists at XX committee.

remember Chappy's on Church in Nashville from Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares?

Chappy's was owned by infamously shitty chef John "Chappy" Chapman. Chapman is a fat, slob of a loser who screws workers, governments and ordinary citizens out of money with his horrible business and cooking skills.

You will never guesss what's happened now!?! Chapman has murdered yet another restaurant and opened yet another! Chappy is the George aWol Bush of restaurateurs.

Who the fuck keeps lending this asshole money?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More Cops Investigate More Teens 'Sexting.' Now What?

An investigation into "sexting" of photographs between at least 31 teenagers in Rochester Community Schools is expected to take at least two more weeks, an Oakland County Sheriff's captain said Thursday…
yea. two more weeks and the bathroom needs more toilet and tissue paper in the Oakland County Sheriff's office. fucking pervs.

Monday, October 27, 2014

"We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry each night. Well that was probably true. They were all on a diet..." --ronald reagan

Haaa haaa haa ha ha! hungry children. compassionate conservatism from a shitty, 'c'-rate republican actor.

reagan went on to die, droolling with dementia just like that cunt from across the pond, maggie thatcher.