Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Democrats only released the report to be "petty" and "juvenile."

yea. they pried the 'W' keys out of all the computer keyboards too, so ignore all the useless republican torture that disgraced a nation and ended countless lives.

"They just got voted out of office," he said. "This was their last chance to poke a finger in the eye of President Bush. I mean, they're like juvenile delinquents; they've been occupying this house, sitting in this house, they've just been evicted from the house, they're going to have to vacate the house on January 1. They're going to have to get out of there January 1 and so they're like juvenile delinquents that decide we're going to trash this place on the way out the door. We don't like the fact that we're going to have to vacate the premises January 1 so we are going to do as much damage on the way out the door as we possibly can"

fuck you, libtard

“If there’s no moral leadership from the White House helping the public understand that the CIA’s torture program wasn’t necessary and didn’t save lives or disrupt terrorist plots, then what’s to stop the next White House and CIA director from supporting torture?”

texting pervert John R. Schindler thinks John McCain is a 'deranged warmonger' and too 'touchy' to be a serious voice against torture

But since torture kills fewer people than say, invading Iraq, why is torture a problem? What a fucking asshole. XX Committee goes on to dam the Church Committee and everything Democratic.

In his mind, torture isn't bad, admitting the US did torture is. What a fucking asshole.

What's more, Schindler believes torture works. You're just know smart enough or mature enough to use it wisely.

What a fucking asshole.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

America has entered its anarchy

you can blame the insane republican cult. to be republican is to be hate
“Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.” – Michael Ellner

Sunday, December 07, 2014

“I think privacy is actually overvalued,” said fascist asshole republican Judge Richard Posner

Jibbers fucking Crabst!! This asshole just ignores the 4th Amendment. What republican scum.
If the NSA wants to vacuum all the trillions of bits of information that are crawling through the electronic worldwide networks, I think that’s fine,” he said.
In the name of national security, U.S. lawmakers should give the NSA “carte blanche,” Posner added. “Privacy interests should really have very little weight when you’re talking about national security,” he said. “The world is in an extremely turbulent state—very dangerous.”
Posner criticized mobile OS companies for enabling end-to-end encryption in their newest software. “I’m shocked at the thought that a company would be permitted to manufacture an electronic product that the government would not be able to search,” he said.
There you have it Anonymous. Find out this perverted clowns' sexual deviancy and post that shit.

did bibi really say this?

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” — Benyamin Netanyahu

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Michael Steele Blasts Criminal Justice System: Black Lives ‘Not Worth A Ham Sandwich’

republican nigga Michael "Oreo" Steele is moving from the 'house' to the 'fields'. oh well. i guess it good to see improvement no matter how late in life. it might of been nice if he said those things when it might of made a difference.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Are Sexually Abused; Virtually All Are Tortured

Nuclear Apartheid is getting its perverted rocks off on Palestinian children. Zionist is the new Nazi, Israel is Nuclear Apartheid and that system will end just as badly. Mazel Tov!
Sexual abuse and rape are indeed a form of torture. Palestinian children, illegally detained by Israel without charge, are also tortured by authorities in other ways
Attorney Mufeed al-Haj notes that this horrific, grotesque abuse is not the only crime of which the Israeli military is guilty. Israeli Occupation Forces are not supposed to engage in night and predawn raids, but they regularly conduct them. Israeli law says that minors undergoing investigation are supposed to be accompanied by their guardians, yet Israel virtually never allows this. As should be the case with any “democracy,” authorities are also legally “required” to have warrants for the arrest of Palestinians; they rarely do. Kidnapping is a common, everyday crime. In the first 3 weeks of November 2014 alone, Israel kidnapped at least 380 Palestinians from across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Dr. William Wheeler, a viciously anti-Obama Norfolk resident, decided to shock and offend his neighbors by hanging a Nazi flag because the President took executive action on immigration.

republican William Wheeler just coincidentally, had a Nazi flag on hand. Pure happenstance that republican William Wheeler loves to keep Nazi memorabilia on hand in his home.

The flag was next to his Zyclon B, his overly large pizza oven and his German WW2 Cosplay uniform.

But teabag asshole republican William Wheeler is not a racist, so stop saying that!

Nevada House speaker republican Ira Hansen who called African-Americans ‘simple minded darkies’ steps down

“Politics of personal destruction win. I need to step down. I hope that you all know that the Ira that you have known through these years and weeks is the real Ira and not what the media is painting me to be. You are a great group that can hopefully do great things and my staying will harm the caucus. I wish you all the best,” he wrote. “Thanks for hanging tough through these difficult past days. If this were just about “me” I would fight this out to the bitter end, but it is going to harm all of you. Carry on.”
"Carry On"?? First of all, we don't take orders from dimwitted hateful republican bigots, republican Ira Hansen.  Secondly, republican Ira Hansen, you are a hateful republican bigot. It's not personal you fucking asshole, the world hates you, republican Ira Hansen. You are scum, republican Ira Hansen.

Go Fuck Yourself, republican Ira Hansen!

So, Bill Cosby has been a horrible sub-human piece of shit for years and no one had the stones to call him out on it?

No one in charge had the courage, nay the decency to nail this scumbag rapist?

In the wake of Cosby’s upcoming David Letterman Show appearance being abruptly canceled, the story brings attention to complaints about the 77 year-old comedian’s “gross” treatment of CBS female employees over the years.

How many years is OK before you cross a line as a professional rapist?