Saturday, November 14, 2015

No one can seriously doubt that conservatives, and other republican terrorist groups, are doing all they can to attack the United States.

We, meanwhile, are welcoming enormous numbers of immigrants from Red States, and have gone “open borders” so that anyone can enter the United States from the south. What reason is there to think that republican terrorists will not enter across our unguarded borders and organize attacks similar to, or worse than, what France experienced tonight? None.

republican cowardice gave the world ISIS

Do you hate the tragedy in Paris? Thank a republican

Friday, November 13, 2015

republican cowardice killed Americans on 911

“And the word back,” claims Tenet, “‘was ‘we’re not quite ready to consider this. We don’t want the clock to start ticking,’” meaning they didn’t want a paper trail.
According to Black, Bush’s national security team was living in the past.
They were used to terrorists being Euro-lefties—they drink champagne by night, blow things up during the day

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

DOJ has a top secret program to listen on privileged telephone conversations between inmates and defense attorneys

Securus is a for-profit corporation that makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year from exclusive contracts with thousands of jails and prisons across the U.S., in which it gets to charge prisoners more than a dollar a minute, in addition to a host of extra fees. It is one of a tiny handful of companies that control the prison phone industry, and has used its power and influence to try to shape policy. Recently, Securus threatened to the sue the Federal Communications Commission over a new rule that would make prison phone calls more affordable for struggling families.
Securus has monopoly profits on phone calls, apparently sells those conversations to the DOJ who use parallel construction and evidence laundering so prosecutors can lie to federal judges. Further, Securus has the stones to sue the FCC so they can continue to screw poor people. Sweet. How do so many prosecutors all over the US end up with those confidential telephone call records?

five major agencies that I would eliminate: the IRS, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce, and HUD

- Penis Nosed Canadian Ted Cruz.  Thats four agencies if you're counting.

“pros­ti­tutes over pat­ri­ots” AKA, republicans are so shitty Democrats feel embolden to kick some ass

Holy Fucking Shit!
The first gubernat­ori­al run­off de­bate between Sen. Dav­id Vit­ter (R-LA) and state Rep. John Bel Ed­wards (D) turned in­to a bare knuckle brawl as it wound down last night.
Ed­wards de­fen­ded his con­tro­ver­sial ad which al­leged Vit­ter put “pros­ti­tutes over pat­ri­ots,” say­ing: “With re­spect to the neg­at­ive ad, if it’s a low blow it’s only be­cause that’s where you live Sen­at­or. … It’s 100 per­cent truth­ful. The fact of the mat­ter – you didn’t say it was un­true. You want me to take it down be­cause you don’t like it. I un­der­stand that you don’t like it. It hits you where you live.
John Bel Edwards is our new hero...

Friday, November 06, 2015

There is, evidently, nothing you can do to not be killed by a police officer if he or she "feels" that you are a threat.

It is very, very, very dangerous to be pulled over by a cop in the United States of America now. They believe they have a right to kill you for any reason and they know it's unlikely they will be held accountable for doing it. Even with a video they can get away with it.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Just another cowardly, felonous piece of shit cop

Boo fucking hoo. If this coward took the easy way out, ruined his fat wife and idiot progeny's life over 9k, guess how much your life is worth?

It is unclear how much knowledge and involvement the wife and son had in the scheme. The wife is most in peril as an alleged beneficiary of the funds at this point. If the son merely had knowledge, his failure to come forward is understandable. Indeed, prosecutors will sometimes threaten charges against family members to force a plea from a parent or spouse — a practice often denounced by defense counsel. However, it is not certain if the son had more than knowledge. Clearly, both remained silent during the aftermath of the shooting while either knowing or suspecting that the shooting could have been a suicide (and without revealing the possible criminal conduct).

The result is a horrific tale and a deep sense of betrayal not only for this small town but the nation at large, which rallied around the family.

Deep Thought; nothing bad will ever happen to deeply racist bigot and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach

Hateful piece of republican garbage Kris Kobah will live forever sucking on the Government's tit while imposing permanent government discrimination.