Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Shorter Chimpy: I ingored the DNI's intellegence in order to bomb Iran and start WW3

To recap: At the same time Bush was ratcheting up the rhetoric on Iran, he was told by his National Intelligence Director that that have “some new information.” Yet Bush wants the public to believe he never learned what the information was, nor was he interested.

UPDATE: The Washington Post reports this morning that “intelligence officials began briefing senior members of the Bush administration” about the new information “beginning in July.” But apparently, Bush was left completely in the dark until last Tuesday.

That sort of looks disrespectful to Chimpy, doesn't it? I mean he talks WW3 lies about the intel and then THE DNI HIMSELF CALL CHIMPY A LIAR? God he made Chimpy Look more foolish and stupid that usual.

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