Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Oh Karl, your such an impotent, fat, vindictive, useless asshole.

You're irrelevant now sweetie.

In an interview with the Washington Times yesterday, Rove also threatened that “nobody can risk looking disrespectful to the president without paying a price, and [Republican presidential candidates] need to understand that.”

But if you still have delusions of grandeur and want to open up some whoop ass, you may wish to start with Steven Hadley who is the Director of National Intelligence who is exceedingly disrespectful to good 'ole Mr 18% today.

UPDATE: Chimpy even managed to make the Iranians look good.

Iran welcomed the U.S. intelligence report and said it was becoming clear the Islamic republic’s plans were peaceful. Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister, “The condition of Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities is becoming clear to the world.”

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