Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ned can offer to take them to the homes of moms and dads whose boys died because of their incompetence

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos is reporting that Rove called Joe Lieberman and said Bush is willing to do anything he can to support him. Lamont needs to jump all over this. He ought to call on Joe to bring Bush to Connecticut. He ought to challenge Bush and Joe to a three-way debate. He ought to ask Joe to bring Rummy and Cheney and Condi as well -- Ned can offer to take them to the homes of moms and dads whose boys died because of their incompetence; to hospitals where better, braver men than Bush and Joe are recovering from horrific wounds because of the dishonesty and ineptitude of Bush and Co. He ought to be on Bush like white on rice, like stink on shit, like ugly on an ape.

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