Thursday, August 10, 2006

Why are Republicans attacking so hard on Lieberman?

Because they're very, very scared. Lieberman’s Defeat shows them that most of America is waking up to GOP incompetence.

Lieberman was defeated in large part because of his support for the administration’s policy in Iraq. Having 130,000 troops bogged down in sectarian warfare in Iraq, has distracted the nation from dealing with the Iranian threat. For years, we essentially outsourced the entire effort regarding Iran to the EU.

Changing course in Iraq means taking the threat from Iran more seriously, not less.

Changing course requires competence. Forethought. Diplomacy. Intelligence. Pragmatism. None of which exists in the GOP. There is very little daylight between the GOP and Israel these days. So expect Syria and Iran to be bombed soon. Anyone up for a RoveTober surprise? Insecurity, Incompetence, Fear, War & Corporate Profits. It's the GOP way.

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