Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Chimpy doesn't give a fuck.

He's already rogue. He's already out of control. He's already a fucking war criminal. What do you mean, "if the Dems pass a law ChimpCo doesn't like?" What about the existing laws Chimpy ignores right now? No, Chimpy needs to be stopped right the fuck now and it ain't never gonna happen.

No comeuppance. No denigration. No rebuke. Nothing.
When Rove steal the elections, again, in 22 days, stand the fuck by! Who is going to put him in check then? BOMBS AWAY!!!

If Karl fucks up and the Dems do stumble in to power in the house or god forbid both houses, recent history suggests that no one, I repeat NO ONE on the Dem side will do a fucking thing about ChimpCo's extensively documented crimes. Not a goddamm fuckng thing. No special prosecutors, no hearings, no investigations and certainly no impeachment. It's fucking pathetic.

I hope to God I'm wrong.

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