Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why isn't the US Attorney General Locking down Gay Republican Pedophile Foley's computers?

The ball is in your court, Mr. Attorney General. You are no longer White House counsel or Bush regime personal consiglieré. You are the lead attorney for the people of the United States of America. A serious crime has been committed - some would argue the worst type of crime. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that a significant coverup of this serious crime has occured.

What are you gonna do, sir, and when are you gonna do it? After the hard disks have disappeared, the phone logs have been purged, the paper has been shredded and the prime suspects have had the opportunity to get their story on the same page? (No pun intended.)

Many people, including Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT), are publicly calling for the resignation of Speaker Hastert, Leader Boehner, and Rep. Reynolds. If Attorney General Gonzales does not immediately send his stormtroopers into the Rayburn, Cannon, and Longworth House Office Buildings this evening to lock down the appropriate offices until forensic teams can analyze data, then it's time to call for his resignation as well.

This isn't a garden variety bribery scandal involving a public official, as is the one against William Jefferson. We're talking about the most heinous sort of crime, one for which all of the principals should be sitting in holding cells right now.

I'm revising my progressive thinking. There are times when torture might indeed be appropriate to get the necessary information. The predatory internet stalking of a 16 year old boy by the congressional leader of the Caucus for Missing and Exploited Children would certainly seem to qualify as one of them.

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