Monday, November 27, 2006

"Win in Iraq"?! …That train left the station in 2004! "

Thank you, Republican Party. Thank you, spineless Dems who enabled the bloodthirsty NeoCon butchers to "engineer" our national disgrace. Thank you, Pox News for blindly and uncritically "catapulting the propaganda" to an overly credulous and frightened public. And a very, very special Fuck You Very Much to Judy Miller and the Reich Wing Blog Brigade for making lies and distortions a staple of the informational diet of so many Americans. I hope you're all very proud of yourselves for the base, craven, heedless way in which you have behaved and that you're as satisfied with the results as the rest of us.

I used to be disgusted.

Now I'm just ashamed.

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