Friday, December 08, 2006

"right" people are in charge. And that's all that matters.

And all these bluenosed hypocrites who excoriated Clinton for his lie ("I will not be lied to!") about a personal matter and complain that the office lost its moral authority, seem not to be personally exercized about the repeated, endless lies of the Bush administration that landed us in the most unnecessary, intractable foreign policy crisis in the nation's history. Broder and his snuff-snorting fellow courtiers aren't nattering on about how Junior "trashed the place." But then the only place he's trashed is the United States of America, where the silly peasants live --- and Iraq which is filled with a bunch of dirty foreigners. In the nation's capital everyone is perfectly happy because as far as they are concerned, the "right" people are in charge. And that's all that matters.

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