Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dear John in DC over at Americablog, fuck off bitch.

First off, israel IS the fucking topic, you dumb cunt. We are fighting a war for them right now, remember, bitch?

Second off, most jews KNOW israel is fascist and they hate it, just like most americans KNOW that ChimpCo is an incompetent asshole with a reverse midas touch. Who the fuck are you?

Third off, right or wrong, israel has to back the fuck off of palestine before anything can go forward. right, wrong, he said, she started it, blah, fucking blah, blah. The jews are fucking up the peace process. They got all the money and guns! They are in charge! They could end this when ever they wanted! What the FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? As a good jew, there is no way I am going to abide by the systemic destruction of the local population so I can get a little bigger cat box for my back yard.

Take you semitic bias and please go FUCK YOUR SELF jesus fucking christ, I could just throttle you.

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