Sunday, January 21, 2007


If you ever thought that Steven Colbert was a real conservative,
you are a moron.

If you ever thought Bill Reilly was a real journalist,
you are an idiot.

If you believe Fox News is fail and balanced,
you are a fucking idiot.

If you voted for George aWol Bush, ever,
you are irrelevant to rational thought and should be prevented from participating in american politics ever again.

If you can't see the horrific manifestation of repub incompetence and failure,
you are hurting america.

If you've ever defended the incompetent failures of the ChimpCo administration,
you are an ugly, hateful human being.

If you believe the earth was created in 7 days, 168 hours, as is currently measured on the face of the earth, you are an ignorant, superstitious child and as such, you deserve no political voice what so fucking ever, unless of course, you're still physically a child.

But you repubs will learn nothing. The US slips by every metric available - education, health care, economically what ever, and you repugs just keep lying. Congratulations. There is no end in sight. None.

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