Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Unmitigated Gall of Dinesh D'Souza

According to Dinesh, the US needs to be more theocratic and authoritarian. And he's just fucking insane. The reason radical right wing conservative muslims like OBL et al hate the US is because of right-wing nutjob/repub/neocon policies. Our imperialist, right wing policies, like unconditional support of israel, the occupation of Palestine Saudi Arabia and now Iraq.

The good news is that US casualties are over 35,000 and the bill is over 1.2 trillion. Good Job repubs! Oh, and israel, I hope you bomb the SHIT out of Iran, soon. Maybe the US can finally stop you wellfare checks.

US Aid: The Lifeblood of Occupation
Israel has maintained an illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories) for 35 years, entrenching an apartheid regime that looks remarkably like the former South African regime.

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