Friday, June 15, 2007

George W Bush: the Manchurian President

So, repuglicants are happy to have an incompetent fool of a president ruin the US because..he's a repuglicant. This is why the US will be destroyed from within. Repuglicants care more about power, their own selfishness in fact, than the US nation as a whole.

In other words, Bartlett is praising the president for not intentionally undermining the United States government. (Indeed, Bush won a second term, Bartlett said, because he “tried” to do the right thing. This will no doubt help separate him from those other presidents who tried to do the wrong thing.)

It’s good to know. Even when it seems as if Bush might be some kind of Manchurian President, deliberately weakening the country, Bartlett wants us all to know that Bush is “doing something” and he thinks his decisions are what’s “best for this country.”

Talk about your soft bigotry of low expectations….

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