Wednesday, August 22, 2007

George W Bush is so honest, it cost him his political power and support.

It is said — endlessly — on the left that “Bush Lied, People Died!!!!”. Of course, those of us who live in the real world understand that in President Bush we have a nearly uniquely honest President - so honest that it has cost him dear in terms of political power and support. The common refrain of how we just need an honest man in the White House has been answered - and never, I think, has a man been more slandered than President Bush; honesty is hated in large areas of the world. The relentless campaign of lies and half-truths directed against President Bush has taken its toll….

We live in an Orwellian world where, indeed, things are doubleplus unacceptable, but no one is actually bad, except for Republican officials.

Our saving grace is that this world — this universe, really — was designed for truth to come out. The lies are thick and strong these days, but the truth remains just as a rock, temporarily submerged by a tidal wave…the wave will recede [sic], and the rock will still be there.

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