Monday, September 10, 2007

Reminds me of that fantastic speech by Colin Powell before the UN. That was very convincing too. Too bad he lied.

That's what Digby says. Doesn't it make you frightened that America's top Generals are being punked by BushCo? Why does America pay these useless fuckers if they lie for a failed war/president/ideology/political party?

Colin Powell (the House Nigga - Harry B.), Dick Pace and now Petraeus are just a few in the long line of General Officers promoting incompetence and failure.Petraeus spent half of last month trying to Catapult the Propaganda. Is that a General Officers job now? You have active UCMJ investigations of reservists wearing uniform at rallies and meanwhile, General BetrayUs is sucking more dick Senator Craig while he whores a fucked up illegal, criminally mismanaged, criminally executed war? Christ you've got to be fucking kidding me. Now Chris Mathews is even calling Chimpy a "clueless megalomaniac” The union will not survive these pricks.

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