Thursday, November 08, 2007

Barry Richard, lawyer and one dumb mother fucker.

Seriously, you couldn't see that a life long failure would be a fuck up? You didn't see that coming? Really? Fuck off bitch. I'm sure your check cleared.

“But I’m a constitutional lawyer. I am concerned with the Bush administration’s assault on American liberties … how the administration deals with habeas corpus and the administration’s posture on electronic surveillance. This administration has gone farther than any other.”

Barry Richard, the lawyer who “achieved fame for his successful representation of George Bush in the Bush v. Gore recount suits, is set to give a speech blasting the Bush administration Saturday night” at the National Association of Former U.S. Attorneys’ (NAFUSA) annual conference. There will also be a panel discussion featuring two of the ousted U.S. attorneys. The National Law Journal reports:

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