Friday, December 07, 2007

Clinton was impeached because the right wing hated Democrats.

I'm not going to sit here and wax romantic about the Bill Clinton White House, but anyone who still sits down and suggests that after years of George W. Bush, what happened to Clinton was about "principle" is nuts. Clinton was impeached because the right wing hated Democrats. They impeached him because they wanted to destroy him, and the impeached him, when it really comes down to it, simply because they could.

The reality of Wayne Dumond is that a serial rapist and murderer attacked someone with a distant relationship to Bill Clinton. Because of that, the right wing made Dumond a martyr, demanding his release and including him as one of the "victims" in the Bill/Hillary murder scandal that has allegedly claimed dozens of lives.

A lot of modern-day right-wing lunatics like to say that the left simply hates Bush on an arbitrary level- or have, to use the oh-so-cutesy term, "Bush Derangement Syndrome." The next time you hear some right-wing idiot claim that someone has "Bush Derangement Syndrome," please try to keep in mind that no one on the left ever demanded the release of a convicted rapist, who then murdered another victim, simply because they hated George W. Bush. That's exactly what the right wing did because of their hatred of Bill Clinton.

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