Tuesday, December 18, 2007

If we just stayed in Vienam, Iraq a little longer, the US would have won..

As public support for the Iraq war has dwindled, and momentum has gathered in Congress for a substantial drawdown of troops, President Bush and some of his supporters have revived the argument that congressional Democrats prevented the American military from finishing a war that the United States could have won in Vietnam. In fact, an American victory in Vietnam was always unlikely, and the Vietnam War’s high political costs resulted from withdrawing not too soon but too late.

By 1969, with American dead and wounded mounting in an effort that appeared increasingly futile, the U.S. public no longer supported the Vietnam War. The United States, however, morbidly delayed its exit, expanding the war to Cambodia and stepping up the air campaign against the North. It didn’t work.

Yet in fact, U.S. involvement ultimately exceeded what the public would tolerate.

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