Sunday, December 09, 2007

In this regard, it's hilarious to see the left and some in the media accuse Mr. Bush once again of distorting intelligence.

Its like walrus man, John Bolton says: If people intel want to make policy, let them join State or Defense. Until then, just write judgements that support the policy.

When, exactly, did the duty of our intelligence agencies become enforcing executive policy, instead of making an honest and competent analysis of world events?

What they're actually saying is that poor, timid Bush is being brutally intimidated by the vicious anti-Americans at the CIA and the State Department into denying the REAL truth, which comes entirely from the Cheneyites -- who were also totally correct on the Iraq War (as the Journal declares once again).

All government apparatus is Bush's personal fiefdom and all government employees swear loyalty only to Bush. WSJ obviously got the memo; why didn't the rest of you guys?

Look: ChimpCo, POS repuglicans, neocons & Bushy's aren't interested in the truth. They are interested in fighting. They rather the US and world go to hell than acknowledge a dirty fucking hippy (DFH) as being right. Even if the DFH is the CIA.

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