Wednesday, April 02, 2008

"$13,400 billion was what was leveraged on a measly $80 billion? Leveraged 167 times? Bear Stearns had less than 1% in the pot?

Now, in any normal country the ex-CEO of Bear Stearns, James Cayne, would be in jail by now, getting raped daily by Bubba the Mass Murder/Jail Pimp and thinking how lucky he was to get off so lightly. In the old Soviet Union, Caney would be in the KGB Lyubyanka prison celler, watching his fingers being popped out of place one by one and steel rods being inserted under his fingernails.

In many Western Europe countries, big on stuff like "ethics" and "honor", Caney would be given a gun with one bullet in it - and the understanding that to avoid all the fuss and spare his family, to shoot himself.

But... this is the USA!

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