Thursday, April 03, 2008

SECDEF Gates and VP Cheney are talking about killing 1 million Iranians and a big breasted blond.

George wonders up and asks, "What's up with the big titted blond?"

Dick Cheney says, "I told you nobody would care about 1 million dead Iranians."

We are reminded of that joke when we read this:

Disclosure Of Torture Memo Fails To Grab Traditional Media's Attention

What if they disclosed a torture memo and nobody cared? Yesterday, an 81-page memo, authored by John C. Yoo, who was a deputy in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice at the time of its creation, was declassified and made public. The memo, which, among other things, was used as the rationale for authorizing the torture of government detainees, has long been held to be a savage reimagining of the structure of the Executive Branch and its authority, hostile to the traditional checks and balances that circumscribe the President's authority. And that's stating the matter diplomatically. A less kind observer might conclude that the memo was a legal abomination which tortures the accepted body of Constitutional law along the way to glibly authorizing a Grand Guignol of authoritarian power that our nation's founders would find abhorrent. With these high stakes as the prologue, you'd have to imagine that the disclosure of the memo would be of pre-eminent importance to the media.

In simple english it means the secret Bush memo declared the US a dictatorship. It means that the Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations.

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