Friday, May 16, 2008

E-mail from VA worker says to avoid PTSD diagnosis

The US Gov't may give you a medal for it, just don't ask for treatment, you whiny sniveling losers.

An internal e-mail written by a Veterans Affairs Department employee suggested avoiding a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder for veterans and instead considering a diagnosis that might result in a lower disability payment.

A copy of the e-mail was distributed Thursday by the groups Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a congressional watchdog group, and The e-mail dated March 20 had been forwarded to, an Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans lobbying group opposed to the Bush administration’s handling of the war and veterans issues.

“Given that we are having more and more compensation seeking veterans, I’d like to suggest that we refrain from giving a diagnosis of PTSD straight out. Consider a diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder, R/O PTSD,” the e-mail said.

It also said, “Additionally, we really don’t or have time to do the extensive testing that should be done to determine PTSD.”

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