Saturday, May 17, 2008

Phyllis Schlafly is a sick twisted fuck.

The bitch led a feminist life, and embraced her oppressors. Isn't that called the Stockholm Syndrome? Why has this silly bitch been allowed to exceed her 15 minutes?
By the time she married Fred Schlafly, a prominent St. Louis lawyer, in 1949, she had put herself through Washington University working full time as an ammunition tester, firing rifles and machine guns for the war effort. She had also completed a master's in political science at Harvard. Her mother, a librarian, had supported the family during the Depression, when her father was unable to find work. "I grew up believing that I should support myself," Mrs. Schlafly said.

Phyllis Schlafly - Stockholm Candidate. Our most astute psychological political blog entry ever. -ed.

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