Thursday, May 08, 2008

Rumsfeld blames the generals for poor pre-war planning.

Never mind that Shinseki famously predicted that “several hundred thousand” troops would be needed for post-war hostilities in Iraq and was fired and humiliated for suggesting it.

RUMSFELD: Now, it turns out he [Shinkseki] was right. The commanders–you guys ended up wanting roughly the same as you had for the major combat operation, and that’s what we have. There is no damned guidebook that says what the number ought to be. We were queued up to go up to what, 400-plus thousand.

Q: Yes, they were already in queue.

RUMSFELD: They were in the queue. We would have gone right on if they’d wanted them, but they didn’t, so life goes on.

Rumsfeld. Seems the piece of shit coward can't take responsibility for the worst strategic failure in US history. Remember this?

Mr Rumsfeld publicly repudiated him, saying he was "far off the mark".In semi-private, the Pentagon's civilian leadership was far more scathing. A "senior administration official" told the Village Voice newspaper that Gen Shinseki's remark was "bullshit from a Clintonite enamoured of using the army for peacekeeping and not winning wars".

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