Wednesday, June 18, 2008

BartCop on Timmeh's fraudulent, self-serving confession.

"In Bill Moyers’ documentary, Buying the War, Russert claims that he didn’t raise
sufficient doubts about what Cheney and others were telling him because critics and
skeptics weren’t contacting him. He tells Moyers: “To this day, I wish my phone had
rung, or I had access to them.”
-- "Russert and the decay of the American whore media," Link

Poor little Timmeh, sole boss of "the Cathedral of Washington Journalism," (Doris Kearns
Goodwin) couldn't get any powerful people in Washington to talk to him?

He didn't cover the second biggest story of Bush's reign because nobody called him?
Is that what Woodward and Bernstein did in 1973 - sit and wait for their phone to ring?

Plus, notice how they have to go back to 1991 - the David Duke interview - to show
us how great Timmeh was at interviewing people?

Why couldn't they show his more recent tough-as-nails interview with Der Fuhrer or Cheney?
Oh, that's right - he was busy licking their ass and pushing their bloody quagmire.

How can anybody look up to this joke?

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