Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Russert told Bill Moyers that he wishes somebody had picked up the phone to tell him that the administration was lying.

Russert told Bill Moyers that he wishes somebody had picked up the phone to tell him that the administration was lying. Don't we all. But one could have hop[ed that the Washington bureau chief for NBC news would have at least realized that invading a middle eastern country on the "hunch" that they had a nuclear bomb might have some repercussions. Particularly after inspectors found nothing. Millions of the rest of us smelled a rat. You'd think the greatest newsman the world has ever known would have been a little bit skeptical.

This is why we couldn't give a FUCK about Pumpkin Head, other than relief. This feigning "oh, if I only knew" meme is bullshit. Any sentient being had to be willfully gullable before the Iraq war to believe ANY of ChimpCo's propaganda. Besides, who could of thought that a life long fuck-up like Chimpy might be a miserable failure at whatever he touched at president? So save us the sad goodbye's. Russert helped kill thousands of American servicemen by his corporate complacency, so no, he doesn't get a hero's funeral. He knew what he was doing. It's disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

AND if, IF FatHead really, really was confused by the run up to war, he should have been replaced by his handlers. Someone signed his paycheck, didn't they? Russert got paid handsomely for playing a fool to vested interests.

So what, no one is accountable? Fine. Russert = whore. Why sould anyone mourn the loss of this bitch? Did you mourn the loss to Ted Bundy? How is Russert any differnt than Bundy in that regard?

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