Thursday, June 12, 2008

“Warren G. Harding was a negro.”

Oh, you funny, funny racists. I hope you all, all, burn in hell. Fuck you. No really, fuck YOU, sincerely. By the way, does this douche bag look like Ted Stephens (corrupt republicant, Alaska) or not?

“Well, you make it sound as though this is the first time we’ve had a black president.”

“Warren G. Harding was a negro.”

–John McLaughlin of The McLaughlin Group

I’ve never watched The McLaughlin Group, but I didn’t think John McLaughlin was some sort of crazy person. In fact, had someone told me they had heard John McLaughlin say these things, I would not have believed them. I saw it for myself while watching last night’s episode of The Colbert Report tonight during The ThreatDown.

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