Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who is the right wing base if not the nationaly disgraced Lush Limbaugh?

On the June 23 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh was asked by a caller: "I want to know how the Republicans don't need Christians and conservatives, and they think we're 30 percent. Twelve percent black people in the population. Ten percent -- they claim -- homosexuals in the population. Rush, honey, when did 30 percent get to be a small number?" Limbaugh responded, "Let me see if I can get your question right. You want to know why the Republicans are willing to say, 'Screw you,' to 30 percent or more of their voters and yet Democrats will bend over, grab the ankles, and say, 'Have your way with me,' for 10 percent and 2 percent of the population?" He later stated: "There is an answer to your -- basic question is, 'Why don't the Democrats say, "To hell with you, you wacko nuts in the base," like Republicans do?' "

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