Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An open letter (sort of) to knighthospitaller

1. Iraq had no WMD. They have no WMD. Get over it.
2. Iraq wants us to leave. They would have preferred we not invaded. They would gladly have Saddam back for civil order, prosperity, clean water, sewers, health care and air conditioning - like they had under Saddam.
3. Iraq was/is a strategic catastrophic failure. The US stays to assuage the ego of a madman.
4. To quote WTFO, "In a nutshell, the war in Iraq was doomed from the start. That's obvious.". It's still obvious that Chimpy lost the Iraq war the moment he invaded.
5. It looks like Iraq diverted attention from Afghanistan, where the US is potentially going to loose there too.
6. The costs of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars are contributing to the an economic crisis that will rival the great depression in the US if not the world.
7. Iran won this one. Not Saddam and certainly not the US. Another byproduct of Chimpy's short sightedness is that we have given Iran everything they ever could have wanted for the region. There is nothing more militarily that can be done by the US. It's time to take them home.
8. Game set match, the Iraq war is an abortion. You'll never accept these conclusions, of course and you'll spend a life time defending the indefensible, unable to grasp the fundamental errors of the republican leadership that is ruining the US.

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