Wednesday, July 30, 2008

TSA = Herpes

TSA destroys priceless device. Here's the account:
TSA dismantled the custom hard-case for the RepRap by removing the 16 bolts securing the top panel rather than undoing the 8 bolts marked "Open". Unable to fit the panel back on again - it was not meant to come off so the nuts were not captive - they simply sent it on its way with the panel detached.

One of the commenters on the blog post says this:
Note 1:
If you suspect a package is a bomb, you don't open it on the side labeled "Open".

And this is why the TSA sucks ass. To the TSA, passengers exist as food for their insatiable sadistic appetites. And the US is stuck with TSA. Forever. Like herpes.

The TSA's obsession with nipple rings, hair gel and aftershave not withstanding, they have a fucking terrible record of actually doing what they were designed to do.

Further, they are fucking fascist to the point beyond useless to simply loathsome. If our intrepid guest wanted to get his device on a US airplane, he only needed to ship it. Cargo still isn't inspected.

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